c h a p t e r | t h i r t y f o u r

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Brielle's POV

I woke up to a blinding light, screams, and gunshots.

I fluttered my eyes, struggling to keep them open against the sun.

But finally they opened completely, just to be met with pain.

A unbearable stinging sensation ran throughout my body, my head pounding as well.

I looked around, Eliza fell into Alex's arms, wait.

Where am I?

Around me were red coats everywhere and blue coats rushing over.

Oh my god I'm right in the middle of a war.

I started to panic, trying to find away down but every where I turned held the enemy. And every time I turned I was met more pain.

I looked to the blue coats on the opposite side, trying to rush towards me. My dad leading them, he looked to me with a hopeful look. One that guaranteed my safety forever.

I noticed he glanced down though, so I looked down too.

And there was the one and only John Laurens.

"John!" I yelled. And he looked up to smile at me lightly.

My heart fluttered at the sight of him, his blood splattered face couldn't hide the freckles that lay upon it. His determined eyes sparkled as he climbed to my rescue.

My eyes started to get teary. I would finally be with him again. No more British soldiers, I would no longer be tortured. I could lay in his arms forever, never to be frightened.

He made it up to where I was sat and untied my wrists, glancing at them in worry but focusing on getting me down.

He picked me up bridal style, another wave of pain overwhelming me. But it was forgotten as I took in his familiar sent. I was home, in his arms.

"John. Oh my god. I was so worried, the red coats- Eliza-" I started to say.

A bullet whizzed past my head and I screamed. I looked down to see red coats approaching, taking shots at us. John didn't notice until we got down from the horse.

At least a dozen redcoats were surrounding us.

I looked to John, panicking immediately, but his face held a calm expression.

One brave British soldier decided to be the first to shoot, nearly hitting John's side.

He dropped me to dodge it, me landing on the ground right on my cut leg.

I screamed in agony, blackness dotting my vision.

I managed to see John stab two of them in the stomach and shoot one, but it would take him too long to reload.

I lost all hope as the redcoats closed the circle around us tighter, and stopped taking shots.

Instead they resulted to throwing punches and kicks.

John screamed and fell to the ground.

They were torturing him!

And right when I thought he couldn't take it, right when a British soldier held their bayonet above his head, a horse neighed above me.

I looked up to see my dad on his horse, and a group of bluecoats behind him. Two of those blue coats being, Hercules and Lafayette.

I smiled in relief and all the redcoats surrounding John were shot down immediately.

My father picked me up and set me on his lap. Whispering reassuring things in my ear, like 'it's okay you're okay' or 'we are going home now'.

I watched Laf and Hercules help John off the ground, and he gave me the biggest smile once on his feet.

We rode back to our side having to surrender to the British.

But that was okay.

My father had a plan, I knew it,

And I had my John back.

Gone Too Soon • Hamilton {John Laurens}Where stories live. Discover now