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I woke up the next day with two letters my Uncle must of put on my nightstand. I was half asleep and didn't have patience. So, I opened the first one from my mother.

Dear Brielle,
Your father and I are both sailing to England and going separate ways there. To my greatest disappointment things are worse then they were, and your father has not told me where he is staying. We aren't even taking the same boat. I'm sure he'll write, you will just have to wait for his letter first and get the address from him. I know of your huge fear of  the ocean and boats. So, I promise you we will stay safe.

Love, your mother.

I sighed and reached across the nightstand to grab ink and started writing my response.

Dear mom,

I now will worry everyday for you and father. Not only for the trip but for your marriage. Staying with Uncle is no problem. Please stay safe. Write me and soon as you get to England. I love you.

Love, Brielle Washington.

I sealed the envelope and eagerly opened the next.

My dearest Brielle,

I grow impatient each day without you. Please meet me at the fountain today around 5:00. Alexander will be there too but only for a short while. See you soon love.

Yours truly, John Laurens.

I squealed aloud and ran to my closet. I picked out a casual light blue flowy dress. I would finally be able to see my friends again! Well, some of them. I put my hair up and put flowers in it. I was all ready and it wasn't close to 5:00 yet. I walked downstairs, without finding my Uncle or Martha. I figured they were busy and plopped on the sofa with a book to pass the time.


Around 4:45 I double checked myself in the mirror, and ran out the door to start my trek to the fountain near my home. At least, I hope John meant that one. I smiled as I passed carriages and children playing with their mother's in sight. Soon the fountain was in sight and I could spot a certain two men leaning against it. I jogged the last few feet up to them.

"Alexander!" I exclaimed. And gave him a huge hug. I noticed John looked a bit off at this, so I quickly released Alex and ran to him.

"And John!" I yelled while I gave him a hug and Alexander laughed.

"Man your hugs are the best Bri." Alexander chuckled.

"You act like you haven't seen us in years!" John said with his hand up in the air.

I laughed. "I'm just really glad to see you!"

"Same here cupcake, now we have a day planned and Alex over here is on a tight schedule. So let's get going." Laurens said and had me loop my arm around his and Alex's.

We were only walking for a minute when I had to ask.

"So why such a tight schedule Alexander?"

Alex looked over at Laurens and winked, me replying with a confused look. He looked back at me.

"Umm, well Washington wanted to see me." Alex said puffing out his chest.

Gone Too Soon • Hamilton {John Laurens}Where stories live. Discover now