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Each of my friends visited me daily. Eliza and Alexander's wedding is in three days. Honestly, I don't know if I'm going to be well enough to attend it. There is no sign I'm recovering at all.

A doctor was finally able to come and check on me. He confirmed I have Hypovolemia. It's not a very severe illness for "young people" as the doctor put it. But it is deadly to anyone above my age.

But damn. I was close to that age limit.
Honestly, as I laid in that bed daily, I welcomed death. I was so exhausted. So tired of my chest aching, my head pounding, my body shaking from being so cold, and the throwing up.

I was tired of the pain. Death would be so much easier.
My Uncle informed me that I most likely picked it up from Virginia. Apparently my Uncle Samuel had a neighbor that died from it.

Not reassuring.

John has been by my side every single day. He sleeps over, right beside me in my bed every night. I insist he goes home, I don't want him to get sick as well.

But he refuses every time I beg.

He promised me that once I am healthy again, we are going on a date. But really, I think he said that we so I'd have something to live for. A date. Of course I wanted to see Alex and Eliza get married, my best friends. But everything hurt. And if I tell John that, I don't think he'd even leave my side even to eat.

But that night, I had a dream. The most wonderful dream.

In the dream John and I had a little girl together. She was a stunning image of him, freckles scattered across her face, brown curly hair. Except she had my eyes. My bright blue eyes. Her name was never revealed in the dream. She had to of been at least 5.

John and I were sitting in our spot where we first kissed. Looking at the stars, our daughter cuddling in between us, pointing out constellations.

And that was it.

That single dream gave me all the motivation I needed to not give up. I did have so much to live for. I needed to witness my best friends get married, I need to create a life with John. Maybe get married and have a kid. I had all that to live for.

I woke up the next morning, ready to try. For the sake of John's sanity and our life together.

Honestly I think my change of attitude cured me. Because when I did wake up, my throat was no longer scratchy, my stomach no longer ached and I was no longer cold. All that remained was a slight pound in my head.

I rolled over to see John already awake, staring at me.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter, you were peaceful. How do you feel?" He asked. Already used to hearing the same answer, he looked at me, his eyes silently praying for a good reply.

I smiled.

"Great." I whispered.

His eyes widened as he jumped out of my bed, scaring me in the process.

"You're kidding!" He smiled.


He picked me up bridal style, kissing me in the process, and carried me out of my room and down the stairs, me giggling the whole time.

"WASHINGTON!!" He yelled while carrying me to the kitchen. "You're daughter has been healed!" He said goofily.

"Daughter?" I looked up at him as my uncle walked into the room.

John looked at Washington.

"Oops." He smiled guilty at him, still holding me. I looked to my Uncle.

"Yes my daughter." He held up papers confirming it. "I figured if anything went wrong- if you never got better, it would be good to do it now."

I jumped out of John's arms and into my Uncle's- no my Dad's.

"You're my father?" I questioned.

"Yup." He answered.

I couldn't help but smile.

John made my father and I a huge breakfast, Martha joined for the end of it. All of them so happy to see me out of bed.

I ate everything greedily. I haven't eaten in days.

John informed me after breakfast, we are heading to the Schuyler house where all my friends are waiting for me.

Gone Too Soon • Hamilton {John Laurens}Where stories live. Discover now