c h a p t e r | t w e n t y f i v e

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Lafayette's POV

I was walking to the Schuyler house for our get together today. John, Alex, Hercules and I were all leaving for the war in three days and John wanted all of us including the girls to get together for a goodbye hangout day.

I don't know. I don't understand Americans.

I spotted a carriage pulling up to their house and I assumed it was maybe John and Brielle arriving at the house.

But instead two more carriages followed, those were not carriages from around here.

I crouched behind a nearby bush and watched as a red coat got out of the carriage.

My eyes widened. I got up to rush over there but I stopped, they outnumber me.

Imagine how man redcoats are in those carriages. I would get shot down immediately.

I suffered through watching as they knocked on the Schuyler's door, my heart beating out of my chest.

I watched as Brielle opened the door, and the color drained out of her face.

I watched the red coat grab her roughly and put a rag to her mouth before she could scream.

I watched him toss her over his shoulder carelessly and rush to get in a carriage.

I couldn't hide behind the bush any longer. I stood up and shouted at the red coat. He noticed me and moved fast throwing Brielle in first.

I ran faster.

They can't take her!

The horses were whipped and the carriages zoomed of before I could stop it.

I fell to my knees.

"Putain de rouge manteaux! What do they want with Brielle?" I muttered.

I sprinted to the door and knocked vigorously. I waited for a reply. It took a while but finally John opened the door.

"Where's Brielle?" He said.

"I'd better come inside mon ami."

John looked at me confused and concerned but led me upstairs. Everyone looked me.

"Where did Bri go?" Peggy asked. "She went downstairs to let you in."

"She didn't let me in, mon ami. John did."

"Is she in the bathroom?" Hercules got up to look but I stopped.

I sighed and looked at them with a sad face, everyone staring at me with fear and anticipation.

"She was taken."

No one said a word. You could here a pin drop. I took a deep breath.

"I was about to walk up to the door and knock when three suspicious carriages pulled up. I hid behind a bush as I watched them pull up to the front door. A red coat got out-"

Peggy dropped the book she was holding.

"And knocked on the door." I continued. "I think you assumed it was moi?"

The only one that nodded proving my theory was Angelica.

"So, Brielle answered. Assuming it was me. I watched as they knocked her out and threw her in one of the carriages."

"You just watched?!" John stood up.

"Mom ami I swear I went after them once I saw them grab Bri."

He froze. I could only imagine what was happening in his brain.

I looked around to see the Schuyler sisters with tears in their eyes and Alex comforting Eliza. Herc was the one who spoke.

"We need to go to Washington."

Gone Too Soon • Hamilton {John Laurens}Where stories live. Discover now