c h a p t e r | t w e n t y

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I woke up to someone shaking me awake. I opened my eyes to see a shirtless John above me.

"It's wedding day!" he whispered excitedly.

"I know. I know. 5 more minutes." I moaned and rolled over.

"Brielle don't you want to go over to the Schuyler house and get ready with the girls?" he asked.

"I'd rather sleep."

"You've been talking about how excited you were for the wedding all day yesterday. Come on, I have to be at Lafayette's soon."

"Do I have to?" I asked.

"Yes love come on!" he pushed me off the bed.

"John!" I yelled as he grabbed clothes and ran to the bathroom.

I decided to get up and get dressed myself. I put on a casual dress. The one I would wear to the wedding was at the Schuyler house. John came out of the bathroom, now dressed and we decided to take a carriage to their home.

We arrived at the Schuyler place and I said goodbye to John, for all the men were meeting at Lafayette's home. We would all meet together at the wedding ceremony.

I knocked on the door. Angelica and Peggy answered.

"Oh Brielle you're here!" Angelica said. "Come inside and help us get Eliza ready!"

The let me step inside and led me to Eliza's room. She was sitting on a stool in front of a mirror. Powder and makeup products spread all over the dresser.

She turned to me, half of her makeup finished.

"Oh Brielle!" She got up and hugged me.

"Lets make you even more gorgeous." I said and she sat back down.

Peggy and Angelica worked on Eliza's face, while I did a complicated braid in her hair. And finally she was finished. We turned her around to face the mirror.

She squealed "Guys I look great!"

We helped her into her beautiful wedding gown and we all split up to get ourselves ready.

I did my makeup and did a similar braid to my hair as I did Eliza's. And I threw on my dress, well with Peggy's help. I hate corsets.

 I hate corsets

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Gone Too Soon • Hamilton {John Laurens}Where stories live. Discover now