c h a p t e r | t h i r t y

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Brielle's POV

I woke up to a dimly lit, humid room. It looked similar to the dungeon I was placed in before, but without metal bars surrounding me.

I tried to stand but my legs gave out from beneath me, I looked up to see my bloody wrists chained to the wall. My head pounded, making a similar sound to a drum. Yet it was rattling through my head.

My dress was ripped, barely even looking like a dress anymore. I couldn't see my face, but I know it was bruised and dirty.

My side ached from where I was kicked in the stomach.

I remember being knocked out. I couldn't think straight, my head pounded too hard. My whole world spun, and I was fatigued.

I was so exhausted, I didn't see the guards notice I was awake. Actually I didn't even realize there were guards present in the room at all.

That was until they came back with the king. And through all the pain I was experiencing in my head, there was no way I could miss King George's shiny crown and alarming outfit.

He was speaking to me. I knew that, through my blurry vision I could see his lips moving. The drums in my head beat too loud for me to hear anything, yet I know he was mad. After one look at me he was scolding the guards.

I knew this for he was pointing a finger at them angrily. My vision went in and out between black dots and a blurry King George.

But at one point, I came back to reality to see him right in my face. And I could hear his voice. It sounded distant, as if he were miles away. But I couldn't mistake that nasty posh accent for anyone else.

"Wait until Washington sees this. His poooor daughter, beaten up and helpless." He said.

It took me a moment to process what had been said. But as a response, I spit in his face.

"I'm not helpless." I whispered.

King George nodded to one of the guards who then approached me.

"Oh but you will be kitten."

Black dots started to cover my vision, and the drums in my head started to take over. But there is no way through all that I could miss the large knife he pulled out from his belt. Someone how the knife was still able to taunt me as it gleamed impossibly in the dim lit dungeon.

King George jumped in glee at the sound of my screams of surrender. I begged for him to not harm me, but he just laughed more.

My vision got darker as the guard slowly dragged the knife across my shoulder blades, not too deep, but enough to draw blood.

I whimpered through the pain as he moved to neck, making a thin line across it. Not enough to kill me, no not at all. But damn it hurt.

At this I screamed louder and George signaled to wrap things up. I breathed heavily and managed to wipe the sweat off my forehead. I prayed to pass out. Prayed for the darkness that seemed so familiar to me already. The peace. I wanted it.

The guard made one last cut on my upper thigh, deeper than any he made before.

And at that I screamed, louder than ever, my throat sore. Everything that had happened seemed like a blur of pain and darkness. The smell of my own blood drowned all my other senses out.

King George made is departure and the guards took the chains of my wrists, knowing I was too weak to do anything.

One guard picked me up bridal style and whispered

"Its not over yet kitten."

And then I was granted with the peace of darkness.

(A/N: really really dark chapter sorry y'all. on a happier note, go leave requests on my one shot book! im out of ideas. thanks!)

Gone Too Soon • Hamilton {John Laurens}Where stories live. Discover now