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Angelica's POV

It had been almost a week since Eliza's kidnapping and almost two weeks since Brielle's. Peggy and I felt more unprotected than ever with our father gone and the men at war.

We wrote to our father the day Eliza was taken and he wrote back informing of us his return. Except with this new found war, it's going to be hard to board passage on a ship New York bound.

I stood everyday guarding our home from the inside, terrified someone else would come for my sister.

Peggy wasn't doing well.

Her boyfriend was already fighting in the war, her best friend was taken along with her sister and our father is absent.

She spent most days crying in her room or staring at the wall. I had to force her to eat.

She was a mess and there was nothing I could do.

As much as my heart breaks for Eliza and Brielle, we have to stay strong. We have to pray for their safe return along with our friends.

I softly knocked on her door.

"Pegs, breakfast is ready."

I opened the door to find her reading the newspaper.

That's new. Is she finally coping?


She turned to me with a red face and puffy eyes.

"Look at this." She whispered.

She handed me the newspaper to see the front page holding the headline of:


We now know for sure that Brielle Washington and Elizabeth Schuyler have been kidnapped. Almost two weeks ago Washington was taken from the Schuyler home, Elizabeth following soon after.
Theories suggest that General Washington is surrendering to the redcoats to assure the safety of his daughter.
The war is thought to...

I stopped reading there and looked up at Peggy.

"How the hell do they know? Who told them this!?"

Peggy shook her head. "I don't know."

"This is private information, father could have them sued-"

"Is it true?" She asked.

"What?" I replied.

"Is Washington going to surrender just for them?"

I sighed. "I don't know Pegs, I don't know."

Eliza's POV

The carriage ride lasted all night, arriving to an open field when the sun was high in the sky. Blue coats already on the opposite side, prepared for any sign of attack.

I watched through the window as they lifted Brielle out of her carriage, still unconscious.

They then opened my carriage door, shoved me out, and unblinded the rope around my mouth. Keeping the one around my wrists. They did the same to Brielle, whose bleeding seemed to finally stop.

Gone Too Soon • Hamilton {John Laurens}Where stories live. Discover now