c h a p t e r | t h i r t y e i g h t

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Brielle's POV

The horseback ride one was spent spent insistently by my father's side. Him being extremely overprotective since my return.

And trust me, John wasn't too far behind on that protectiveness level. Although I was accompanying my dad on his horse, John was right beside me on his, constantly checking on me.

We stopped once to give the horses a break and get some rest.

Washington momentarily paused the entire recruitment of men for the revolution, giving all the current ones a break.

After their retreat, he needed to sit down with Alex and create some sort of a strategy. He figured he might as well give his solders a break whilst they figure things out.

Or at least that was the plan.

So, hundreds of blue coats were returning home today. Some of which were moving the same direction father and my friends were.

So it was quite crowded.

Limping off my horse, Washingdad assisting me, I made my way over to a small camp that was set up.

I immediately claimed a tent, falling asleep instantaneously.


I woke up to John gently tapping me awake, informing me we were leaving once more, our destination becoming closer.

And so we set out again, the sun high in the sky. This time I knew I would make it back home, and to the remaining Schuyler's. No more breaks, and no more war.

At least for a bit..


I couldn't contain my excitement when I saw the familiar city of Manhattan in the distance.

The horses rode us up to the path leading to the Schuyler house, Lafayette, Herc, John, Alex and Eliza following.

My dad must of known this would be the first pace I would want to return to.

He also almost had to hold me down as the horses slowed, for I wanted to get inside that home immediately.

And when they finally did halt to a stop, I jumped off, ignoring the pain that seared through my leg.

I intertwined my hand with John's, everyone letting Eliza and I walk in first.

I let go of John's hand and take Eliza's, looking at her with a grin.

I allowed her to knock at the door.

Loud footsteps could be heard from inside the Schuyler home, it was only approximately 2.5 seconds before the door swung open.

I couldn't even see who had answered for a blur of yellow had taken over my vision, tackling me in a hug.

I fell on my back, and was released from the bone crushing hug. The person now revealed to be Peggy, was on top of me.

She held my face in her hands.

"Brielle, oh thank god you're okay. You will not believe what you put me through! You and Eliza!"

I laughed, taking in her presence. Just being with her again, and seeing her face, was so relieving. Because now I was safe, with my friends.

I stood up, Peggy still rambling when Angelica switched places from the hug she held Eliza in to me.

"I missed you so much Angie." I mumbled into her hair.

"I am so glad your okay." She took my hands. "I except to know everything that happened eventually, from you too miss." She pointed to Eliza. "You had me in a wreck! Brielle, you will not believe what Peggy did.."

And so you listened to her ramble on, just grateful to hear her voice once again.

I was invited inside, the entire crew joining. I was hand in hand with John again, my head resting on his shoulder as we walked inside.

Mr. Schuyler greeted us, embracing his daughter in a hug and scattering kisses on her face.

I smiled at the sight of their happiness as he let his daughter go to be with her friends.


I spent the entire day at the Schuyler home, not wanting to leave but it was getting dark.

I started walking outside, already having said goodbye when John stopped me.

"One moment Brielle, I forgot something." He said hurriedly, and without another word. Ran back inside.

I looked at him, confused but obeyed.

John's POV

I ran back inside, everyone still saying goodbye. You ran over to Angelica and Peggy who were conveniently standing next to each other.

"Alright, ladies don't squeal it's a surprise and Brielle thinks I've returned because I forgot something." I said.

They looked to me with curiosity, waiting for an answer.

"I asked Washington for his blessing to marry Brielle and he said yes!"

Their eyes widened and their faces were filled with excitement. Yet, they didn't squeal thank god.

"Oh my god! When are you asking her? Do you have a ring yet?!" Peggy clapped her hands.

"Shhhh!" I yelled.

"No and that's where I need your guy's help."

"And me!" Eliza said, having listened to our entire conversation.

"What would you do without us Laurens?" Angelica commented, probably already planning the proposal in her mind.

(A/N: sorry for the very late update. i will update on my one shot book tomorrow. star and comment thanks!)

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