c h a p t e r | t w e n t y s e v e n

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Lafayette's POV

We tried General Washington's office, but he wasn't there. So, the only option was to check Brielle's house.

So, all of our crew including: John, me, Herc, Alex, Peggy, Angelica and Eliza knocked on the door, panic evident on our faces.

We waited a moment before the door swung open to reveal Martha.

"Hello dears, what's the problem?" She asked.

"Um.. can we speak to General Washington please?" Alexander spoke.

She looked at us curiously, "Alright come on in I'll lead you to his room."

We already knew where his room was, but we let Martha lead us there.

She knocked on the door for us and hurried off, leaving us to have a private conversation with Brielle's father.

The door swung open. Well how do we tell our commander that his daughter has been kidnapped?

"What seems to be the problem?" He asked tiredly.

"Brielle's missing." I blurted out.

"Missing?" His eyes widened and scanned our group. He must just be realizing Bri wasn't present.

"Well, not exactly missing, sir, kidnapped. Laf saw it happen." Angelica said.

The General's eyes wandered toward me.

"Come in. All of you." He said sternly.

He welcomed us into his room which was mainly like another office with a bed present in the same room. He led us to the back and we all sat down.

"Explain." He said sternly.

Eliza had already burst into tears and Peggy was on the verge of following her. John hadn't said a word since the entire ideal.

Alexander looked around the room to see our distressed faces, and told his side of the story. Basically summarizing our plans to hangout. John had no input.

Then most importantly I told my side. Upon hearing my side, Washington broke down a bit, making all of us feel guilty, even if there was nothing any of us could of done to prevent it.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this." Washington said, wiping the few tears that had fallen down his face.

"We need to get all our troops together, and plan a search party."

"Excuse me sir." Alexander butted in, "But we need to think wisely. The British most likely kidnapped her as a distraction. Now that they have 'Washington's daughter' in their hands, all it's going to do is distract us on the big war. They took her to distract you. It would be a perfect time for them to strike."

At hearing this John stood up, we all looked to him for he had not spoken a word. His eyes were puffy and his cheeks tear stained.

"No." He mumbled. "We will not stand around well Brielle is out there, most likely suffering within the British hands!"

"Laurens calm down." Hercules tried.

"No! Everyone should look for her! What if she's hurt? Or getting tortured as we speak? We need to act now!" He yelled.

Washington put a hand on his shoulder and Laurens looked to him. "I know what your going through, but Alexander is right."

He was about to protest but Washington continued, cutting him off. "She is my daughter, I find her safety being the upmost priority. But we cannot risk that many troops when there is a war going on. We will send only a few."

More tears followed with his sentence, "As much as I hate to say it, our freedom and this war is more important than Brielle's life. It's the countries or her's. And that's worst case scenario, she may not be hurt."

"It's a trap." I said.

"I know." Washington replied, sighing. "A really smart one too. We will do all we can to save my daughter."

And at that we left the Washington home, and spilt off from there, myself walking with Laurens and Herc.

"It's all my fault." John suddenly said.

"How in the world is this your fault mom ami?" I asked.

"It was my idea to get us all together or have a little goodbye party. She would have never been taken if we hadn't attended."

"Don't say that." Hercules said. "We don't know what the British had planned. Maybe they would have taken her from her own home, she's the General's daughter."

I stopped

"How did they know Brielle was at the Schuyler Manor anyway?" I asked.

"They followed her?" Hercules suggested.

"No I watched her walk up to the door, no one was following her."

"Was their aim to capture someone else. Perhaps a Schuyler sister?" John said.

"And they got lucky, capturing Brielle instead." I said

"Maybe they don't know it's her." Herc added, "Maybe they think they have a Schuyler sister."

"I don't think Bri would have been able to play that off." John said.

"Either way anyone in that house is in danger. We should warn them." I finished.

(A/N: the chapter following the next ((aka chapter 29)) will be in Johns POV sorry for not including his feelings on Brielle's kidnapping yet. He's just in shock and horror that his girlfriend is missing)

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