c h a p t e r | f o u r

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As soon as I walked in the familiar smell of beer hit my face. How it was familiar you might ask? Let's just say my dad went through a phase.

The bar was really nice and cozy. It had light orange/brown lighting and the bar was made with faded wood stretched upon one side. It had brown tables with matching chairs placed upon the room. One of the tables was filled with men all of which were cute. Ponytails pulled back, long coat, button up shirts and long socks. They were beat boxing, obviously drunk, with glasses all around them.

I waked over to the bar and ordered myself a drink, trying to stay away from the noisy boys. But I couldn't resist when I realized Aaron Burr was rapping whilst they beat box. I walked over with my drink just as they all booed at him.

"The revolutions imminent what do you stall for?" One asked.

"If you stall for nothing Burr, what do you fall for?" another one standing off to the side said. Before anyone could reply I said, "Who are you?" Everyone's head turned toward me.

"Well who are you" one with a French accent and bushy ponytail mocked.

"I'm Brielle Washington, I couldn't help but over hear you guys." I said. "I presume you're Aaron Burr?" I turned to the one they all booed at.

"Indeed, at your service ma'am." He walked over and kissed my hand.

I laughed and before he could continue another person with a slicked back ponytail and goatee butted in.

"Washington?" The man asked. I nodded

"Alexander Hamilton." He put his hand out for a shake. But when I put my hand on his I got a kiss instead.
"Nice to meet you Alexander." I replied sweetly and took a sip of my drink.

"Damn this girl's still sober get over here." A man with wavy brown hair and golden eyes and freckles scattered across his face pulled me onto the seat next to him. He immediately but his arm around me. I kind of liked it so I left it there.

"I'm John Laurens!" John smirked. "How bout' you?"  he said, obviously drunk.

"Well, I can prove to you I'm not John Laurens." I laughed. "Brielle Washington."

"Nice to meet you Brielle." John said and kissed me on my cheek very close to my lips. I noticed two other men sitting across from us. Before I could ask their names Alexander came up from behind me and said, "Brielle, meet Hercules Mulligan." He pointed to a buffer man, with a bandana tied around his head. "And Marquis de Lafayette." He finished.

"Lafayette is much easier love." Lafayette said.

"It's a pleasure." I said to him and chugged the rest of my whisky. There was a pause before I commented, "You know what I'm going to get another drink."

I was about to get up when Aaron said, "I'll get it for you." and took my glass.

I sighed and said, "Well what were you all talking about before I arrived?"

"Revolution!" Laurens immediately answered.
Hercules butted in, "Yeah Alexander over here has big dreams." I turned to Alexander and he chuckled.
"I just don't want to throw away my shot!" He said innocently with his hands up. But then suddenly he turned determined.

"I mean here me out." He started. "I'm going to get a scholarship to Kings College. I probably shouldn't brag but dag I amaze and astonish."

I cut him off, "I mean, it seems like ya got a lot of brains but no polish."

"Exactly!" he replied. "I gotta holler with every word. I drop knowledge. I'm trying to reach my goal, my power of speech unimpeachable!"

"You're only 19 but your mind is older." Lafayette added.
We all nodded in agreement.

Hamilton continued, "These New York City streets get colder, I shoulder every burden, every disadvantage
I have learned to manage. I don't have a gun to brandish. I walk these streets famished. The plan is to fan this spark into a flame."

"A colony that runs independently." Mulligan added.
"Meanwhile, Britain keeps shittin' on us endlessly!" I said.

"Atta girl!" John yelled.

"Essentially they tax is relentlessly." Lafayette said.
"The King George turns around and runs a spending spree!" I added again.

"He ain't never gonna set his descendants free, so there will be a revolution in this century! Don't be shocked when your history book mentions me. I will lay down my life if it sets us free, eventually, you'll see my ascendancy!" Hamilton finished.

"We are not throwing away our shot!" We all said together.

"I dream with life without a monarchy. An unrest in France will lead to 'onarchy." he paused and scratched his head. "'Onarchy? How you say oh, 'anarchy!"
I laughed.

"When I fight I make the other side panicky, with my shot!" Lafayette finished.

Mulligan started, "I'm a tailor's apprentice, I'm joining the rebellion because I know it's my chance, to socially advance. Instead of sewing pants. I'm going to take a shot!"

Lastly Laurens interrupted, "But we'll never be truly free, until those in bondage have the same rights as you and me. Wait until I sally in on a stallion with the first black battalion!"

And at this moment Aaron arrives with two drinks in hand and said, "Geniuses, lower your voices. You keep out of trouble and you double your choices. I'm with you, but the situation is fraught. You've got to be carefully taught, if you talk, you're going to get shot!"
"Sorry Burr but look what we got here." I commented. "Lafayette, hard rock like Lancelot. I think your pants look hot, Laurens I like you a lot." I winked.

He handed me my drink which I took a gulp of.
"But Bri, you've got to understand you're in the wrong place here. Get out while you can. You are a woman not a warrior. You know you can't fight. I'd leave this group of friends if you want to live through tonight." Aaron said, actually concerned.

"Burr, sir, you know you cannot control me. I like these men!" I turned to them and gave a cheesy smile.  "I think I can live, at least to the count of ten.
"Your funeral." Aaron said and walked away from our table.

"Wow what's his problem?" John asked our group.
I shrugged, chugged my drink and got up to get another.

(A/N: I know it's not a lot of you but, thanks for reading my story. Just wanted to let you know that all the songs from Hamilton the musical are not going to be in here, or word for word. I cut pieces of the songs out on purpose for my story. Thanks!)

Gone Too Soon • Hamilton {John Laurens}Where stories live. Discover now