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Hahaha not a chapter (sorry I'll make it up to ya'll) but instead a long A/N CUZ WE NEED TO TALK MATE.


If you dont wan't to read the shoutouts and want to skip to the deep, important stuff, go for it ;). Skip a few pages I'll put a emoji star before it. (It says important stuff, ya can't miss it.)


Ok first off, thank you so much for 2k like that's insane! 2000 PEOPLE HAVE READ MY STORY! I never expected my crappy writing to grow into what it is now.

I've been writing this story for almost a month and a half now, and among that month and a half a lot of people have encouraged me and like, enjoyed my story.

I'm talking about the people that star every chapter, and comment relatable things, or MESSAGE ME PERSONALLY! Like, guys someone actually messaged me personally telling me how much they loved my book.

It literally made my entire day, and I smile every time I talk to them. Overall, there have been some extremely supportive readers out there and I wanted to give them some recognition, because I get motivation to write from them specifically.

So here are the readers that make me smile on a daily basis:

You have starred every chapter and comment very often so thank you. You were the first reader to ever REALLY show appreciation to my story. I thank you dearly.

I love you so freaking much. We read each other's fanfics and you are super supportive and are always commenting on my updates. So thank you, AND UPDATE WITH LESS CLIFF HANGERS!

YOU ARE GENERALLY JUST AN AMAZING HUMAN BEING. You comment hilarious, relatable things on EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER (in both of my books), leaving me with a laugh and tears in my eyes. Readers who comment generally just make the authors feel great, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for reading.

Thank you for voting and commenting on both my stories. Keep doing what you're doing with your fanfic, you'll only learn and get better the more you write. I appreciate your support. Thank you.

YOUR COMMENTS ARE HILARIOUS. You make my day with every comment. Because as previously stated, readers who comment on authors stories, are appreciated dearly. THANK YOU THANK YOU for commenting and making me laugh daily. And, Brielle is not preggo! (Yet)

HAHahaha I was gonna quit writing before you gave me that spam so thanks love.

Not only do you show unconditional support for this story by starring and commenting on chapters, bUT YOU MESSAGED ME PERSONALLY. I put in my bio to message me as a joke, but generally wanting to meet new people. YOU are the only one who actually did and it made my entire week, I smile every message you send to me. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU so so so much. You are the greatest.


Thank you to all those people and my 'ghost' readers, as I like to call them. My 'ghost' readers are the ones that are there, and give me the numbers, but never comment or star. I mean, you don't even have to star, but comment! It really makes my day knowing people appreciate my story. I need to know you're there!! But still, thank you 'ghost' followers. You help.


Shameless self promo:

If you don't know already, I have another Hamilton story! It's just one shots, that I am generally proud of and will appreciate if you checked it out. AND PLEASE LEAVE SUGGESTIONS!!!! I write the stories for YOU and that concept gets erased when you don't request things. So please, go do that!



So I really really enjoy writing and believe it or not, this story will eventually end. I still have a lot planned. LIKE A LOT. This story is NOT ending any time soon.

I have ideas for more stories, and not just Hamilton ones. But since I'm most likely speaking to a Hamilton based audience currently, we will talk about the Hamilton story ideas fast.

I really really REALLY want to do A Lafayette story, but also a LAMS story BUT ALSO a modern college AU BUT ALSOOOOO an adopted by the Hamilton cast story.


So here are some suggestions, PLEASE PLEASE tell me what YOU want. Because, obviously I can't choose.


Lafayette x Reader, set in the past, 1781, you fight in the war, maybe Hamilton's sister, maybe John's, MAYBE HERC'S??

Lafayette x Reader COLLEGE AU, set in the present, Hercules or John's sibling??, basically just college drama

College AU LAMS, literally fluff, mean Jefferson, debates, Washington, FLUFFF

LAMS Modern, no college, mid twenties literally the cutest, Schuyler sisters jealous, Jefferson being a douche

Adopted by ORIGINAL Hamilton cast, basically Lin adopts you but you're always at the theater with the cast, generally being best buds with the entire cast, SEBASTIAN, V, Umm freaking Pippa and Leslie and everyone LIKE OMG


OKAY OKAY ONE LAST THING! Are any of you in any other fandoms? Examples being, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Supernatural, Stranger Things, The Originals etc.... Because I want to write one of those. LIKE REALY BAd. So, I understand if you're not in a lot of other fandoms but, if you are TELL ME. MY HAND IS ITCHING TO WRITE SOMEtHING. SOMETHING REAAAALY GOOD.


AAANNDNDNND I think that's it for my VERY VERY long rant. I mean, it's already longer than most chapters. So I'll make it up to you with an extra long one tomorrow or the next day.

I'm positive no one actually read the entirety of this rant, but in conclusion, leave suggestions and thanks for the love and support.

I'll see you in the promised long chapter soon.


Gone Too Soon • Hamilton {John Laurens}Where stories live. Discover now