c h a p t e r | s i x

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I woke up, still in my light dress from the day before and the sun shining in my eyes. I covered my face to block the sun and sat up, looked around.

I suddenly remembered what happened last night. Meeting the boys and all the drinking. I especially remember their hugs and god.

John Laurens. Damn.

My head was pounding. I got up and changed and walked down stairs to see my uncle at the table reading this mornings paper.

"Good morning Uncle." I said groggily. I expected him to smile and say good morning back but instead i was interrogated.

"Where were you last night? How late did you stay out? Who were you with? Did Martha just leave you alone? Did she allow you to stay wherever you were alone? Are you hurt?" My uncle asked coming closer to me, scanning for anything wrong.

"Everything's fine I promise." I answered. "You got home after me from work? Correct?" I asked.
"Yes but that didn't answer my questions." He said sternly.

"Okay, to answer your questions. Last night I was at a bar,  yes I drank, I don't know the time I arrived here, I was with Martha but I met some boys who I hung out with. Martha let me stay there alone. And no I'm not hurt!" I replied all in one breath.

"Who are these boys?" He asked.

"Well, um, Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan and Marquis de Lafayette." I answered. I could tell he was upset that out of everyone at the bar I had to talk to people of the opposite gender.

"Where's Martha? At the office?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Yes, breakfast is on the table." He said leading me to the dining room. On the table held chicken, eggs, fresh ham and orange juice.

"This looks delicious thank you so much Uncle." I said while sitting down.

"Anything for you dear, some letters arrived for you this morning. I have them on the counter." He pointed over his shoulder. I immediately got up to get them when he stopped me, "Stop eat first." He said.

I sighed but did what he asked me to do. I helped clear the table and wash dishes after eating. While drying the last plate my uncle came up behind me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Bye love have to go do some work now. When Martha gets back, tell her I said hello." George said.
"I will bye!" I answered and watched him walk out of the house. As soon as the door closed, I ran to the counter and grabbed a small stack of letters.
I brought them up to my room and opened the first envelope.

Dear Brielle,

Your father and I are overjoyed you have arrived in New York safely and are enjoying your stay with your Uncle. As for how long you're staying, we don't have an answer. There is no way to determine how long your visit shall extend. You asked about your studies and school. Do you want to take the extra year or end now? I would suggest ending now, there is no need for an extra year. I hope all continues to go well. Write soon love.

Love, your Mother

I took out parchment and a quill and started writing my response.

Dear Mother,

Is father going to be writing as well? If so where shall I send his letters? Schooling is not needed.

Love, your daughter, Brielle Washington

I sealed the envelope and put it in a pile that would be mailed out to others. I grabbed another from the stack and opened the envelope. It read:

My dearest Brielle,

I don't remember much from last night but, I could never forget the fun and joy I felt last night with you by my side. I wish to see you as soon as time allows. Please inform me on a day you are not busy.

Yours truly, John Laurens

I smiled every moment while reading his letter and started writing my reply back.
Dear John,

Even know not much was remembered from the bar, I still will never forget your awful singing. I can agree on the joy felt by your side, and on seeing each other very soon. I'm not a very busy woman so please, come visit at the Washington Manor. Maybe this weekend. See you soon.

Love, Brielle Washington

I sealed John's letter in an envelope like the others and picked up the last one from the pile. I opened the seal and took out the letter. It said:

My dearest Brielle,

I can already tell meeting you benefitted very single one of us last night. I think Lafayette would have died from alcohol poisoning if you hadn't stopped him from joining that chugging contest. Speaking of Lafayette him and Hercules both apologize for not writing like you instructed them to.  I hope we can all meet up again? Are you planning on going to the Winter's Ball later this week? Let's just say, I'm asking for a friend.

A. Ham

I chuckled at how Alexander signed his name and shook my aching hand. I could write one more letter.

Dear Alexander,

I really appreciate how one night and a few drinks brings forward all these compliments and happiness. Tell Lafayette and Hercules that I forgive them, it was no big deal. I'm surprised your letter came so soon actually. I may have plans with Laurens this upcoming weekend, so we may see each other sooner then we think. As for the Winter's Ball, I have never been informed there would be a ball. I will get more information from my Aunt. I'll let you know as soon as possible for your friend.

Love, Brielle Washington

Now what is this Winter's Ball?

Gone Too Soon • Hamilton {John Laurens}Where stories live. Discover now