Chapter 2

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Here I was. Far from my big room and beautiful sunset, driving in the rain to a place I had no decent clue of what to expect. The internet searches of this private school had just made me sick to the point where I had to turn my laptop off before I vomited. It was a unisex private school where only the best of the best were accepted to and were guaranteed to become one of the greatest in our modern day society. The pictures were the worst. Every student had these perfect big bright smiles. No one could be that happy in school! I did not believe those fake photos and it had nothing to do with the other fact that every female student on their website just so happened to be a super skinny blue eyed blonde haired Barbie doll. Coming from a green eyed dark hair girl, I was not jealous. I just wished that the symbol of purity was not always a too good to be true looking chick who had obviously missed out on a few meals or had a few of her ribs removed surgically. My phone started ringing in my jacket pocket. I pressed a button in the back of the car I was driving in. The opening between the front and the back of the car divided as a black tinted window divided it. Once I felt that I had some sort of privacy, I answered my phone. It was my best friend Kacey who was calling so it was important to me that I answered this call. Especially since I won't be seeing her any time soon.

"Hey there." I greeted after answering the phone.

"Hey there Sav. Have you landed yet?" Kacey said.

"Yip. What's up?"

"Well I just wanted to ask you something Important?"

"Well ask."

"You know Dain right?"

"Yes?" I had to know Dain. He had been my crush ever since I laid eyes on him a year ago and got accepted into his group. His wild red colored spikey hair and tattoos was just irresistible to me and Kacey knew how I felt about him. Especially since we have been an on and off item for about 8 months now. On and off in the sense that we have made out, but he never made us official and I believed that was simply because I was not ready to go all the way with him. He considered that to be a lack of commitment to him which prevented him from ever openly calling me his girlfriend. Though I knew I was as he has always been so loyal. He never tried touching another girl all this time that he has been on and off with me. At least that is what I believed.

"Well he asked me to come to a party with him tonight at the beach side so I thought I should check with you first if that is okay because it is a beach party and we are probably going to be in swim wear and you know how hot I look in a bikini so of course I am going to be posting pictures on Facebook after the party." Kacey blabbered. My mind sort of trailed off during the middle of all that babbling as I knew exactly what she was trying to ask without sounding like a total backstabbing bitch. She has supposedly been my best friend for the past 4 years after I moved here with my mom once she was married to Rick. Clearly I had placed her under the wrong term as I knew the definition of a best friend to be completely and utterly different. "Anyways. I just wanted to make sure you were alright with me going with Dain."

"You are actually asking me if you can fuck Dain tonight." I choked.

"That is just mean saying it like that Sav." Kacey said defensively. "I mean. I am trying not to do this behind your back. That is why I am your best friend."

"Former best friend as I don't believe that anyone who calls themself a best friend of mine would try and snatch a guy I have been crushing on since for ever!" I said.

"Well don't blame me that he never considered you girlfriend material!"

"Goodbye Kacey. Please remember to use protection tonight! Whore!" I snapped before hanging up on the stupid little bitch. I tossed my phone onto the seat next to me. Fuming with anger, I was trembling from head to toe. I could not believe what my so called best friend had just done to me. Clearly the saying was absolutely true. When days are dark, friends are few. In my case, it was people who I thought were my friends. As for Dain, I was done with him. He asked my former best friend out barely even a full day after I told him I was leaving for a short while. He was so ready to move on. I obviously meant nothing to him. I fought back the tears that wanted to force their way to the corner of my eyes. I was not permitting myself to cry over someone such as Dain who did not deserve even a drop from me. As far as I was concerned., both Kacey and Dain could go fuck each other. Literally! I would be pleased if I never heard from either of these two traitors again! I thought of unfriending them on Facebook, blocking them on WhatsApp and quit following them on Twitter, but I decided against it as I thought to myself that the best revenge I can get being so far from them, is showing how happy I am without them. The only problem is that this rain was putting a damper on everything and restricting my mood from even trying to look on the bright side of this current situation. I stared out into the ever green scenery that was soaking in the rain. How was I going to make the best out of this? I sighed heavily again as I kept blaming my mom for all of this. Not only was she forcing me to go into my senior year as a new girl, but she also ensured that I had absolutely no one and nothing to come back to when the year was done. No family and no friends. Maybe my mom had actually done me a favor by sending me away. Knowing that I had no one made it easier for me to make this transition. Perhaps that was the bright side of things here. No one to miss and no one to miss me. I grabbed my phone and yanked out my headphones from my other jacket pocket. When I was in this depressing mood, music was the only thing that kept me going. I brushed away the single tear that had found itself to my naturally bright red lips and turned up the rock music on my cellphone, blocking out the world from my thoughts.

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