Chapter 43

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Carmen squealed excitedly as she threw her arms around me and gave me a bone crushing hug. Or at least Carmen's version of a bone crushing hug. She was clearly happy to see me. Just as happy as what I was to see her. I hugged her back. Her rosemary scent definitely made me feel like I needed a serious bath after all I had been through. I smelt like dirt and these clothes of mine were crying out for a good spin in one of the school's twin tubs in the laundry room downstairs.

After being dropped off at the school, Dimitri escorted me up to my bedroom. The walk up together was a silent one as I was far too tired to speak while Dimitri appeared to have far too much on his mind which he didn't want to share with me. I anyway didn't want to disturb him so there were no anger or disappointment towards his silence. He walked with his hands in his jacket pockets and had this permanent crease above his eyebrows while I kept my arms folded and eyes low on the floor before me, only daring to sneak glances at Dimitri when I felt brave enough to. A part of me was waiting for him to start at scowling for being so foolish as to run away into the woods alone, in the dead of winter and at night, but he didn't. A part of me wished he would just so I could know if he cared for me or not. Any form of emotion expressed by him right now was better than nothing, even if it were anger.

When we finally arrived at my bedroom I was prepared to just say goodnight and head inside, pretending like nothing had happened like I said I would. It was Dimitri who had caught me by surprise when he finally decided to speak and asked to see me tomorrow afternoon once classes were finished for the day. Of course I said yes without thinking twice, before saying goodnight to him and heading inside.

From there on, I was bombarded by Carmen who was overjoyed to see I was back, alive and in one piece. Eventually Carmen released me and immediately started to shoot one question after another at me. Where did I go? Was I in the woods? How did I make it out alive? Was I attacked? Did Dimitri find me and bring me back? Than she moved on to explain how Dimitri had found out I had run away. As she explained the whole scene in fine detail, all I could think about was the fact that Dimitri had come see me by my bedroom early in the morning. My heart literally started performing these amazing somersaults in my chest at this bit of information. Did this mean that Dimitri had tried to reconcile and fix what he had broken? Was he still prepared to do so knowing now that I knew the truth about his family and the woods? I started to look more and more forward to tomorrow when I would be able to see him again. Perhaps Dimitri did love me after all.

Washed, fed and exhausted, I climbed into my extremely comfortable bed. Carmen ensured that the bedroom door was locked before turning the lights off and climbing into bed herself. That night I had definitely beaten Carmen to dream land. The moment I closed my eyes, I was out, dreaming I was racing through shards of long green grass with Dimitri at my side. I was happy. He was happy. We were happy.

The door slammed shut. The loud noise startled Ms. Hatch so that she was jolted around immediately to see who had entered her office at this time of the night. It had been a rough day and she was having trouble sleeping. It was late and she was certainly not expecting any visitors. But there he stood with his arms folded, staring her down from the door.

"Seems like I am not the only one having trouble sleeping tonight." He said.

"What do you want Roman?" Ms. Hatch asked.

"To see you. Why else would I be here?"

"I'm off to bed so make it quick Roman."

"In a bad mood I see." Roman slowly walked up towards her desk. He pulled out the one chair and dropped himself in it rather smoothly. He clearly was not planning on going anywhere anytime soon. "I bet it has something to do with the fact that you have been removed from the leader of this pack. Dethroned from your throne." He smirked at her, ever so pleased with himself.

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