Chapter 36

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"And than he showed me a quick and secret short cut from downstairs near his bedroom to the upstairs floor. Another secret passageway he had discovered when he first came to the school." I said the next day to Carmen.

We were spending our Sunday morning after breakfast in the school's library, catching up on our school assignments scheduled to be handed in this coming week. Of course I had a lot to tell her about last night. She had conveniently woken up during my sneaking into the bedroom process this early morning. Although she was super happy to hear I had finally reconciled with Dimitri and sort of entered into a non official relationship with him, she was still rather hesitant about it all. That was because I told her everything about last night, including what Dimitri said.

"Nothing else happened?" Carmen asked.

I knew what she was trying to hint at. I removed the book I was searching for from the shelf and turned time roll my eyes at her. "Nothing. We just slept." I replied. Much to my disappointment honestly. I wanted to be physical with Dimitri. I felt ready last night. If only I didn't ruin it.

"What if your suspicions is right and Dimitri is one of them? Than what?"

"I don't feel like I should be afraid of Dimitri. I trust him Carmen." I said confidently to her. I knew exactly where she was coming from, but I also knew that I trusted Dimitri. I never trusted anyone as quickly as what I trusted Dimitri and perhaps it was all these emotions that were clouding my judgements here. I suppose all I could do was hope that that was not the case here.

Carmen and I found a secluded area of the library to make ourselves comfortable in. We placed our books and bags down before pulling out chairs for ourselves and taking seats at the table. Carmen surprised me by not actually nagging on me when it came to Dimitri. It was a pleasant surprise. Maybe she knew exactly how I felt about Dimitri. Maybe she too in some way trusted Dimitri. She was just a little hesitant. Far more than what I was.

"So when are you seeing him again?" Carmen asked, breaking the silence as we set up shop on the table to begin our assignments.

"This evening. I think." I replied.

"You think?" Carmen smirked with one eyebrow raised. She disapproved of my answer.

"Well I am still quite new to this whole dating story Carmen." I quickly said in my defense. "I don't want to come off as one of those needy girlfriends and technically we are not even official yet."

Carmen just rolled her eyes at me and let out a heavy sigh. "He asked you to sleep in his bed with no sexual intercourse. Uhm. Jeez hey!" Carmen blurted out a little too loud for my liking. I quickly hushed her down with a big 'shhh!'. Again she rolled her eyes at me. I was afraid of anyone in this school finding out that I had spent the night sleeping in a boy's room. Even though Dimitri was more like a man of course! It would leave very little room to negotiate with and I would be more than likely expelled at once. Never to return again. My mom would also definitely forbid me from ever seeing Dimitri ever again.

I scanned the area around me. There was no one in sight. My heart settled somewhat. I turned back to face Carmen. She pretended like she had done nothing wrong here.

"We need to be careful about what we talk about out in the open Carmen." I said firmly.

"I know, but I cannot help, but wonder as to where from here with all that we know about?" Carmen made sense. She leaned over across the table towards me as she continued to speak to me in a whisper. "What do we do with the information we have? Do we just graduate and leave? Than what? What if another girl is taken?" Carmen asked, whispering. She was asking valid and important questions. Unfortunately I was not entirely sure on how to answer them. That was because I had been partially side tracked by Dimitri. I didn't want to blame him of course.

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