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Hey everyone its Criss Angel again, I am sure by now you all know that I am once again engaged to the lovely Belinda Peregrine, my family hated it, my friends hated it, and even a lot of my loyal followers frowned upon my unition with her, but me being the famous Greek Stubborn ass that I was I decided to ignore them all, and make myself believe that she was the only one for me...man was I ever so fucking wrong, but I will get to that part of the story a little later. For now, I want to tell you the beginning of my story which I gotta tell ya I can look back at it and laugh my ass off at how much of a complete idiot I was...but I was so glad that my family and friends stood by me, and in the end triumphed over the sinister hold that no account latina bitch had on me.

I was blind in one eye and couldn't see out of the other one, because of my Beli's hypnosis she put me under, There wasn't anything I wouldn't do for her. Like today, for instance, I dropped my career just to go to Spain with her to help her with hers, by showing up at her concert and showing her fans my total support both morally and financially. I so much as handed her over 800,000 dollars just to put her musical career in full motion, before she met me, she was actually dying creatively and she was merely a very low key pop singer trying to make a name for herself. But it was me that made her a success overnight with my directing and special talents, not to mention my very incredible brain.

Yep, I thought she was staying with me because she loved me, and I was helping and supporting her because I loved her, but that wasn't the case, she was using me just to help her gain fame thru me, take advantage of my money, and gain points by the publicity I gave her...not to mention using all my connections with Cirque De Sol Leil and all the other business corporations I was friends with to help advance her in many ways. But to truly be honest with you, she couldn't carry a fucking tune in a bucket if her life depended on it, and what she thought was cool attire, was extremely ridiculous looking. All well, I couldn't win them all I was engaged to her and the wedding day was set for the end of June which was next month.

Out of all my friends, Klayton was the one that hated her the most and really tried his damnedest to get me to dump her ass before it was too late, and was always telling me that the low life skank didn't even like me, let alone fucking love me. But when he told me that she was seeing two other guys on the side and she showed more love and affection for them, that was my last straw and I ran him off because I was so blinded by her. But even after I ran him off, he still stayed outside my door and told me that I was making a big mistake and that just for once he really wished that I would listen to him. Because in the past he told me about Saundra Gonzalez, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Cindy Margolis, and Mary Riley...and I never listened to him and got royally screwed by each of them.

But I simply blocked all those times Klay was right and told him he was wrong about this one. Klay punched my door and said he was so going to make me eat those fucking words when the harsh fucking reality came around and bit me in my fucking ass, then he told me he gives up, that no matter how hard an older brother tries to save his lil bro from getting messed up, he can't fix stupid, and I was now officially the epitome of stupid. After he left, I didn't see or hear from him again, which deep down I really felt bad and kinda missed my crazy ass brother from another mother, but my life had to move forward. 

I have now been engaged to Belinda for almost 2 years, and the wedding was coming up like a raging river with only two weeks to go before the big day, so naturally she wanted to spend most of her free time nagging my ass out all the time, telling me to stop with my damn childish parlor tricks, and think of our future together with me revolving around her instead of my dumbass job, then she was always telling me about how much my family was always trying to tear us apart and I needed to tell them that we were together no matter what they said or did, and they just needed to deal with it. But it wasn't until the last couple of weeks I have noticed a lot of changes in my Beli...she was really edgy with me everytime I tried to make conversation with her, and when it came time for bed, she cringed everytime I wanted to touch her, hell she even got to where she wouldn't even come into the damn bedroom to sleep. 

Having sex was totally out of the question, but when I brought it up to her the next day she would kiss me lightly and give the excuse that it was her time of the month...which was total bullshit because she just went out not even a week ago. I was officially beginning to get pissed over her recent emotions toward me, and how fucking cold and distant she was with me. I even went as far and kicking her ass out of my suite and telling her that we were over, and to return my engagement ring. That's when she came around and apologized and took me to the bedroom for a kinky makeup session, which I knew thru my helstromism that she hated every second of it, but I did it anyway because I think I deserved it for all the shit I do for her constantly, not to mention all the bullshit she put me thru recently.

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