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Belinda brought her friend into the suite and walked to my bedroom and showed me to her, but I was clueless that they were even there, because I was out like a light. Belinda then told her what she wanted her to do, and that as soon as she hopped in the bed with me, I would automatically be turned on and wanting sexual attention, and for as much as I hated to say it, when I was intoxicated from a party I was always in the mood for some late night hanky-panky. Her friend told her that she couldn't pull it off and I would notice first thing that she wasn't her, but Belinda pulled her into the room and told her that I could have the queen of England in bed with me and I wouldn't know the difference because I was so drunk.

Then Belinda pulled her into the room completely and helped her out of her clothes and pulled my blanket down and showed her my body, and that I was already naked and waiting for her. Then without another word Belinda carelessly pushed her friend in the bed with me and told her to lay her head on my arm, and I would do the rest, that way I would get laid, she would have her chance of a lifetime being with her hero, and it would leave her all the time in the world to be with the man she really had feelings for. Belinda's friend sat up and said she still wasn't sure it was a good idea...which put Belinda in an irritated position and told her to look at it this way, this was the one and only chance a low life ugly chick like her could ever have to be with the man of her dreams, because under any other circumstances I wouldn't give her the time of day, because she was poor, ugly, wasn't even my type at all. Then Belinda gave her friend a slight hug and told her to take all the advantage of me she wanted. Her friend looked down at me, and gently moved a few strands of my hair away from my face, and said how gorgeous I was.

Belinda rolled her eyes in disgust and sarcastically said yeah I was very cute, then told her that I get old and irritating very quickly, then she grabbed a few of her things then gave a slight wave and told her bye, but before she left the room she handed her a room key and told her to make sure she left before I woke up in the morning, because if she didn't I would definitely be sober enough to know that she wasn't her...then she would be so on her own, because she wasn't about to come out in the open and tell me it was all a setup so she could have a night with the man she loved without me getting in her way.

As soon as Belinda left the suite, and I felt a soft and warm body lying close to me, I rolled over and instinctively wrapped my arm around her thinking she was Belinda wanting to have a little fun, because that was the only time she would come into my bedroom and lay with me, and I began to sleepily kiss on her with my eyes still closed while rubbing her very sensually up and down her sides with my hands, and asking her if she wanted some attention tonight. She was so mixed up with so many different emotions, but couldn't resist my touch or voice and she let me do whatever I wanted to do, which even in my drunkened state began to wonder if she was Belinda, because she would have never let me do just anything with her...she liked it hard and fast, and without romanticism, and she hated more than anything for me to continue to touch and rub or snuggle with her after sex, but this girl was allowing me to do it all and spun me into all kinds of passion and desire that I haven't felt since I was 18 years old, and she wanted me so badly I felt it thru her muscles and her thoughts were very loud and vibrant.

But she was so fucking good to me, I decided not to bring it up that I knew she wasn't Belinda, I mean how could she be, Belinda didn't act anything like her at all, and I knew for a fact, that Belinda didn't have double D sized tits and the girl I was currently wrapped up in had a very nice pair of twins, that I was indulging in quite nicely if I did say so myself. Also, Belinda was more of an anorexic bitch and didn't have a nice ass either, and the girl I was with had a ghetto booty going on which was a major plus to me as well, for it gave me something to hang onto while going in for the ultimate penetration, that and I just really loved smacking on it because there was actually some meat on it. By the time I finished with her, she officially wore my ass out with all the pleasure she gave me. Then just before I felt her relax enough to where she was just about to fall asleep in my arms, I went to her ear and asked her what her name was because I knew she wasn't Belinda.

She jumped up and began crying and said it wasn't her idea, that Belinda told her I wouldn't know the difference, and she wanted her to keep me busy while I was drunk thinking that she was her, while she was out being with her boyfriend that she really loved. I pulled her down to me and told her if she thought I was mad at her, she was so fucking wrong. Then I kissed her all over her face and told her that by the way she made me feel this night, I could fall so in love with her because of all the love and pure emotion she gave to me. She said she needed to leave before it got light in the room because she didn't want me seeing her at all and that Belinda told her to make sure she left before morning. I pulled her under my arm and told her that she wasn't going anywhere, then I kissed her tenderly and as I snuggled with her I told her goodnight and that I couldn't wait to see her in the morning. She closed her eyes tightly and said to herself that me seeing her was what she was afraid of.

🍸I WAS DRUNK IN A BAR🍸Where stories live. Discover now