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I finally made it to Stoney's house and burst thru the doors and hollered for both of them, asking if she was alright. I made it to their bedroom and was on both of them at the same time hugging and kissing on Kc, then rubbing our baby, telling her of all the bad visions I've been having all night during my show, and it was scaring the hell out of me. Kc and Stoney both wrapped their arms around me and assured me that she was just fine. Kc touched my face very tenderly and asked if I was really alright with her marrying Stoney, that maybe I was just making those visions appear out of something else. I looked up at her and told her that I was a little upset about it, but I also loved the fact that she and Stoney were getting married because I could see how much they loved each other.

I kissed both of them and said they just had to get used to the fact, that I was going to be a huge part of their lives because I wanted to be with my son. Stoney quickly put me in a headlock and began to mess my hair all up, and said he wouldn't have it any other way. But as I got up and rubbed on her tummy one last time, she and Stoney both noticed the deep longing and sadness I had, but I didn't linger, I headed out and went back to Serenity to try to get some sleep, but every time I drifted off, I would have very gruesome nightmares and end up screaming in cold sweats, as soon as I calmed down enough I gave Stoney a call and asked how Kc was, because I couldn't shut the visions off, and was beginning to think that it was some kind of warning.

Klayton told me to hang up the phone and to get some rest, that Kc was very fine and sleeping peacefully, and the doctor said during her appointment that she and the baby were just fine. I apologized for calling him again that late, and slowly put my phone on the nightstand, then stared up at the ceiling wondering if I was just letting my mind run away with me knowing that my best friend was marrying the girl I loved so much. I lightly closed my eyes, and my door opened, I looked over and saw Klay and Kc with a few bags, they dropped them on the floor next to the wall. At first, I thought I was dreaming, but when they both hopped in bed with me and told me the only way to keep me sane was to make sure they were right there to show me, that Kc and the baby were just fine. Then Kc kissed me goodnight, and Stoney jokingly kissed me goodnight as well and wrapped their arms around me and we fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning Kc and Stoney both were still holding onto me, and I knew I wasn't dreaming about them coming over. I slid out from under them, and went downstairs only to see all of Stoney's music gear in my living room, I looked up the stairs and wondered if I was going to have new semi-permanent roommates. I shook the sleep out of myself when I heard my dogs whining at the door wanting me to open their doggie door. Then I went to the kitchen and gave a little whistle moments later Hammie was at my feet sitting up on his hind legs wanting his breakfast. I fed him while his bigger four-legged siblings were still outside so they wouldn't bother him. I heard my shower turn on upstairs and knew my two roomies were awake, and I wanted to make some breakfast for all of us.

I had breakfast done and the table set by the time the shower turned off and was waiting for them to come down and join me for breakfast, but then I jumped out of my seat and grabbed three glasses and the jug of orange juice, after I sat the glasses down I slapped my head and remembered that Stoney was a wild-eyed grizzly without his morning coffee, so I quickly turned the machine on and made the coffee, then set out a coffee cup and the sugar jar for him to make it however he wanted it. I made it back into the dining room, Kc was sitting at the table sampling a few pieces of the bacon. Klayton wasn't as shy, he loaded his plate with a little bit of everything, then he loaded my plate and Kc's plate. 

I chuckled at him and told him the coffee was on the counter, on that note he flew into the kitchen, as I sat down on the left side of Kc and slowly began to eat, as I asked her if it tasted ok. She grabbed her napkin and wiped her lips lightly then told me it was incredibly delicious. Stoney came in with a cup of coffee that was strong enough to kill a mule. He sat down and really dug in. Just as I was about to finish my glass of juice I heard my dogs going nuts, I stood up and told them that my dogs have never fought amongst each other...just then Stoney jumped up and rushed around me and hollered one time and everything went silent, and when he came back in from the backyard, Godzilla came loping in behind him. I snickered as I realized my dogs were arguing with their new house guest. But Godzilla could kick all of their asses, he was a beast of a dog and at least three times larger than my shepherds, and three times more loaded with the muscle mass. I was just thankful that he was 110% obedient, and when Stoney hollered at him he listened. Not saying that my poochies didn't listen to me because they were very obedient as well, but they just took their time at it, and Godzilla listened right when Stoney told him.

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