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I woke up early the next morning with Belinda laying next to me in my bed, I jumped up and asked her what she was doing a little shocked, she sleepily looked up at me and said I was her husband. I got out of the bed without saying anything else on that subject and got dressed. Belinda sat up on the edge of the bed as she pulled her robe around her and slowly walked out of the room. I looked into the mirror as I scratched my beard with my fingertips and remembered that I promised Kc I would shave. I headed to the bathroom and got my razor out of the cabinet, then I pulled out the shaving cream and just stared into the mirror for what seemed like several minutes.

I splashed a little water on my face, to get the sleep out of my eyes and when I straightened back up fucking Sully was staring at me thru the mirror. I stuck my tongue out at him and asked him what in the hell did he want. Sully smiled at me and said someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I rolled my eyes at him and said I didn't, I just hated fucking shaving. Then As I smeared the shaving cream all over, I asked him again what he wanted. Sully stuck his tongue out at me and said a brother wasn't allowed to come visiting without a reason. I turned around and looked at him face to face and told him very comically hell no, that he was there for a reason.

Sully chuckled lightly and said he was there to announce that he and his wife Sandy successfully had their daughter and 2:45 this morning, and they decided on naming her, Skylar Marie Erna. I grabbed him and spun him in a circle with shaving cream flying everywhere as I kissed him on the forehead and told him that was so fucking awesome, and congratulations! But Sully put a huge damper on my happiness when he jokingly asked how Belinda and I were getting along, now that I tied the knot with her. I looked at him and smeared shaving cream all over his face and told him next time he had a thought just to let it go and that he needed to just stop while his head was still above water! Then I mindlessly tossed him out my bathroom door and locked him out so I could finish shaving without any more delays.

After a lot of cussing to myself and a few razor nicks here and there along my face I finally got all the hair off and was as Kc used to call it as smooth as a baby's bottom, I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my had to strategically placed it on my head and slid down the railing where the front door was and raced to the kitchen to grab an apple out of the bowl and a bottled water, where Belinda, Sully, and Sandy were all sitting at the bar staring at me, & their tiny infant Skyalr was laying in her car seat sound asleep on the counter. I tippytoed over to the car seat and peeked inside to take a look, then I looked at Sandy and told her she done good, that she was adorable, then I slapped Sully across his head as I told her it was good that the little girl got her good looks from her mommy.

Belinda kept staring at me until I couldn't handle it anymore and asked her what she was looking at. She told me I looked so much better with my clean beautiful face, without that grisly beard hiding my face. I carelessly told her thanks but I didn't care what I looked like, and the only reason I shaved, was because it was making me itch. I pulled off the little band-aids that I had on my face knowing they stopped bleeding long ago and didn't bother telling them that I shaved just for Kc. No sooner than I said her name in my mind, the doorbell rang and in came Stoney and Kc. Belinda looked over at her with very questioning and upset eyes, then ran over to her and asked her what she was doing there, that she was supposed to be disappeared.

Klayton interrupted and pulled Kc back toward him and told her to back off his fiance. It was still a natural fact, that Stoney really hated Belinda, and didn't need an excuse to stomp a mudhole in her ass. Belinda looked at Kc and said fiance very astonished as she turned and looked at me, knowing how much I loved Kc, and here my best buddy and blood brother Klayton was going to marry her! Then she noticed how Klayton was rubbing her belly gently as he was kissing on her neck. I jumped over to Kc and wrapped my arms around her from behind and kissed her on the cheek, and told her how beautifully glowing she looked today. Kc placed her hands on my face and whispered that it was such an improvement without all that hair.

Belinda grabbed me by the arm and hauled my ass into one of the many empty rooms in Serenity, and pointed out to me that Kc was pregnant! I chuckled lightly and told her I knew that already. But as I was trying to get back into the somewhat of a friend gathering at the bar she pulled me back into the room again and asked me if the child was mine. I looked directly at her as I told her of course it was mine, but beens I was stuck being married to her, I had to let the next best man take care of my Bess for me until I could be freed from the forced marriage in three years.

I spun Belinda around very quickly and told her that I was going to be a part of my son's life whether she liked it or not! That she managed to ruin my chance with Kc, and now she was taken by Stoney, but I was not going to let her take my son out of my life. Belinda stopped me and said she had no wants to take anything more away from me, then she turned and headed out the front door, but before she left, she said she really hated me, and now that she knew she couldn't get any money out of me, I wasn't worth her time or energy, then she tossed her wedding ring at my feet and said she was so out of this fucking nightmare she put herself in.

🍸I WAS DRUNK IN A BAR🍸Where stories live. Discover now