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Kc and our two boys were safely back at Serenity with us and sleeping peacefully in their own little theme styled cribs. Johnny was in his magically themed crib, and Kai was in his rock n roll themed crib. My mom couldn't believe that I actually let Stoney claim Kai, and even go as far as having his last name, but when I told her that Kc couldn't have any more kids, and Klayton loved her dearly and Kc was supposed to only have one child, but magically had two. So Stoney deserved to have one. But it wasn't like they were going to be separated or that she couldn't claim Kai as her grandson too.

My mom looked at me inquisitively and asked what I meant by that. I gave her a slight sigh and told her what Kc, Stoney, and I came up with so that none of us would have to be left out or taken away. She was very curious about how that was going to work, but I told her it was very simple, Stoney and I both went up to the courthouse and had a legal document written up stating that we both were going to marry Kc and take care of our son's. That way we all would be happy because we both loved Kc and she loved both of us, and if the Mormon's could get by with it so could we. Then later on down the line if either Stoney or I found love with another woman Kc would simply let that one go, but still, share the custody of our sons.

My mom thought that was a little crazy, but then again when she stepped back and looked at both of us, she said with us two it was actually logical, because ever since high school we shared everything, so why not share a wife and kids. I wrapped my arm around my mom and told her that everyone would understand and deal with it because everyone by now knew I was nuts, I mean does a legally sane man jump in a box full of explosives, and tell someone to blow them up, I don't think so, and that was just one of the crazy shits that I have done. Then I pointed out to Stoney and added very colorfully that anyone that looked at him would know he's fucking nuts just by his crazy ass looks, and attitude. Dimitra looked over at her newly adopted son as he stuck both of his middle fingers at me, and stuck his pierced tongue at me. I turned to my mom and said jokingly that I rest my case.

Rachel and Kimberly were out with Kc spending some quality girl time out shopping with Sully's wife Sandy, while us guys were at Serenity with my mom taking care of Johnny, Kai, and Skylar while watching Godzilla on the television. But after three of those damned movies, I told Stoney he needed to pick another type of movie because he was driving me bonkers with Godzilla! Sully chuckled as he was shaking a rattler at Kai on the floor where we had a huge pallet made, Johnny was wide awake but having fun sucking and playing with his feetsies. Skylar was three years old already so she was a little harder to keep in one place because she wanted to roam around and get into everything, but I had all the doors shut and locked down. But she was extremely enamored with Stoney's mohawk and piercings, she tugged on his hair, but only gently touched his lip piercing like she knew it was an owie if she wasn't careful. But then again Sully was covered in piercings and I am sure he was always telling her to be nice to them.

The private marriage ceremony went perfectly the next week, and everyone was happy, even though some of our friends really thought it was crazy for two guys marrying one girl, but Sully was just pissed off that he didn't get to think about it first, then he jokingly asked his wife if he could marry twice and have two wives. Which went over like a lead umbrella right on Sully's head, as Sandy told him if he tried he was so dead, and she would find another man to help raise Skylar. Sully grabbed her up and said he was just foolin' around and she needed to lighten her ass up a little bit. After dinner with the family and friends, I told them all it was nice of them to drop by and spend time with us, but added jokingly that it was bath time then bedtime and they all needed to get home so Stoney and I could take care of business.

Right after the family left, I grabbed Johnny and Stoney grabbed Kai, and we went into the bathroom to wash our boys down and get them all squeaky clean and into their bedtime rompers, while mommy was downstairs feeding the dogs and opening their doggie door so they could let themselves out whenever they needed to go. Then she went up into our bedroom and hopped in the shower and put her nightie on. After we tucked our boys into their cribs, and turned on the visual baby monitors and left the door open so Chicklet and Godzilla could go in and out because they were the babies new guardians.

Kc was blowdrying her hair when we both came into the bedroom, we were about to get into our skivvies and hop in the bed, but Kc hollered at both of us and said not without showering first. We both sighed and put our heads down but jumped in the shower. Kc was sound asleep in the center of the bed when we finished, and Stoney turned off the bathroom light beens he was Mr slowpoke, while I turned off the bedroom lights and hopped in on my side of the bed. Stoney slid in on the left side of the bed and we both snuggled up around Kc and said our goodnights then drifted off to sleep. We were a very odd threesome, but what the hell not all happily ever afters was love between two...some just had to be downright nuts to make it a perfect ending...and that is exactly what we had...a very perfect ending.

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