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Stoney went to the car and started it, while I rushed up to the porch and grabbed Kc and rushed her into the car with my mom following right behind me holding onto her hand and helping her with her breathing. As soon as we were all in the car I hollered at Stoney to punch it and get to the hospital before Kc had our boy in his back seat. On that note Stoney revved that motor and hauled ass to the hospital and made it in record timing if I do say so myself, then he jumped out of the car and helped me carry her so she would be more comfortable with mom running up behind us telling us to hurry or junior would come out before they got her in the room. I chuckled as I was carrying her to where the nurse was leading us and told mom now wasn't the time for her sense of humor. Which made Kc laugh in between her bursts of pain.

Dimitra went out into the hall and grabbed the first doctor she saw and told him that her daughter in law was having a baby in there and needed assistance. When he came in Kc was really screaming from the pain, and squeezing the circulation out of mine and Stoney's hands at the same time while telling the nurse not to give her any pain meds until after the baby was out. So Kc suffered thru the pain for hours until finally Klayton and the doctor both said they saw a little head peeking out! I looked over at Stoney and couldn't believe how excited he was, and he wasn't even the daddy. Kc gave one final push, and the lil guy slid right out and into the doctor's hands, he had the forceps and asked either of us men if we wanted to cut the cord, I looked at all the blood and placenta and said no thanks I was good. Stoney though with him and his weird ass grabbed them up and told the doctor that he'd whack the hell out of that thing. 

Which made Kc laugh no matter how exhausted she was, as soon as the nurse clamped off the other end she wrapped him up in a white blanket and tried handing him to Klayton, but he pointed to me and said a little sadly, I was his dad not him. No sooner than I had my son in my arms, Kc began to scream out in massive pain again, the doctor rushed over to her and checked her out, and yelled ecstatically to us that she wasn't done yet! That there was another baby on its way!! I looked over at Stoney with a lot of mixed emotions. But after the first baby came out, the second child basically shot out like it was a little rocket. Stoney cut the cord on that one too as the nurse wrapped it up as well, she said proudly that it was a little boy as well. But before I could reach out for him as well Stoney grabbed him and stuck his tongue out at me and said that this one was his. Because when Kc had the sonogram done there was only one baby, and she magically made two, so he could be a daddy too.

I looked over at my silly ass buddy/brother and couldn't argue with him, so I happily told him he could have that one. Kc was really enjoying our very colorful conversation but was very worn out from all the hard work she did, and just wanted to sleep. So the nurse gave her the pain relaxer and reached out for both boys and said she needed to go down and weigh them, and check them both over real good just to make sure they were 100%. Kc slowly went into a deep sleep but before she did she told us to pick names for them. So after she fell asleep, Stoney and I went out of the room after we both kissed Kc on the forehead, and told mama D that Kc had two boys, and it was time to name them, Klayton looked right at me and said one of them was his, I chuckled at him and told him I knew that already. Mama D looked at me and Stoney like we were both crazy, but I told her I would explain it to her later.

We all sat down together in the waiting room and began shooting out different names for us to choose from, and I had to tell ya Stoney had some crazy imagination for boy's names, even though some of them were pretty fucking cool, they just weren't what Kc would like to be calling her son when it was time for him to come inside to eat or go to bed. I knew I wanted to name my boy Johnny after my father, which mama D said was a wonderful idea. Klayton looked at us both and said he wasn't naming his son after his no account bastard ass father! I went up to him and reminded him that Kc did like the name Kiefer a lot. Klayton thought about it for a long time then asked what we both thought about Kai being his name. I looked at him and said what would his middle name be with such a different first name. Stoney looked down and said Kai Williams Scott, Kai River Scott, Kai Alexander Scott.

Both mama D and I both actually said those names sounded pretty good when he said them. But which one was the best, now that I had Johnny Crisstopher Sarantakos picked out for my boy. Klayton thought very hard about those three middle names and shrugged his shoulders and said all three of them sounded cool to him and he would let Kc pick which one she liked best. So he ran into the room where Kc was awake wanting a drink, and he asked what she thought of Kai being his son's name then asked if she liked Williams, River, or Alexander the best for his middle name. Kc thought about it for a few minutes and said she liked Williams and River, but Alexander for a middle name was a little too long for her liking. So they both put their heads together and finally decided that his name would be Kai Williams Scott. Then I told her that our other boy was going to be Johnny Crisstopher Sarantakos.

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