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I was completely aghasted when I heard the most unwanted news from Kc herself while talking to Beli. Kc was telling her that she was in such peril over the last three months of being away from me, and knowing that she was pregnant, then on top of it she lost her apartment and didn't have anywhere to go, so she stooped to a low she never had before and tried to commit suicide by slicing her wrists, but she was rescued by a very nice guy and taken into his home, where he's been taking care of her, and him caring for her slowly turned into so much more. I couldn't bear to listen to anymore, I burst into the room and asked her why she didn't come to me first when she found out she was pregnant, that I would have taken care of her! Then I added very loudly who she was with! Then I went to the next questions at random about how our son was doing, and where she was at so I could go get her, then I rushed the conversation and told her that I loved her and needed her with me so she couldn't be with any other guy.

Kc couldn't handle my rantings and hung up with Beli, I looked blankly at her and asked her what in the hell was up with that! Belinda told me that she hung up on her after I burst in and took over her conversation. I sat down and began to ramble about not being able to believe that my sweet Bess not only tried to kill herself but now she was living with the guy the rescued her, now she was maybe falling in love with him, while she was carrying my son! I slammed my head into my hands and hollered loudly that this was not happening to me! Belinda told me that Kc deserved to be happy and that I was stuck being married to her for three years whether I liked it or not, and Kc was doing the right thing moving on with her life. Belinda then walked out of her room and stopped to turn to me and added that Kc was in very good hands for the man that saved her knew exactly who she was, and whose baby she was carrying and wanted to take care of both of them. 

I stood up and quickly asked her who was with Kc, and if it was anyone that knew me, or I knew of. Belinda looked down and said yes to both of my questions, then added very colorfully that she knew him as well and hated his ass more than anything. After she mentioned how much she hated him I flew out off the bed I was sitting on and hollered loudly that Fucking Stoney was with my Bess! Then I rushed down the stairs after I quickly got my boots on and grabbed my cell phone and my car keys extremely pissed off that Stoney was with my girl, and didn't tell me! But again Belinda reminded me that I was married to her and really had no right to tell anyone, even Stoney that he couldn't be with her. Then before I rushed out and headed over to give Klayton a real cussing out for stealing the girl I loved out from under me while I was stuck with Belinda was an all-time low even for him when Belinda added that I should be thankful and happy, that it was my best friend that saved Kc from dying, and wanted to take care of her and love her and his son like he was his own, instead of having some stranger that could end up making her life miserable and treating his son soon to be very badly.

I shook my head slightly but said he still had no right hiding it from me, that I should have been the first one he called, to let him know about him finding Kc trying to commit suicide and that he saved her and after two months of living with her and taking care of her that they were beginning to fall in love with each other. I hopped in my car and headed to where Stoney's Condo was located in Vegas because he had several locations that he lived at during different times of the month. He had a pad in New York, one in Chicago, one in Los Angeles, and one here in Vegas, but his main home is usually in Detroit. I made it to his parking lot and slowly stepped out of the car. I went into the fenced in yard, only to be greeted by his huge black Cane Corso named Godzilla. I gave him a few scratches behind his ear and asked him where his daddy was because I so wanted to kick his crazy ass. Godzilla ran to the front door, barked twice, then went in thru his doggy door.

I smiled to myself for remembering how smart his dog was, letting Stoney know that it was me by his number of barks. Stoney was out his front door and on the porch before I even made it up to the door. And by the look on his face, he knew why I was there, but he came down and gave me a hug and handshake first then he told me that it wasn't his intentions to let his emotions get that carried away with Kc, but after he saved her, and they got to know each other he couldn't help but fall in love with her, because of everything they had in common from having the favorite taste in music, then I heard the excitement in Klaytons voice when he said that she even shared the love of watching Godzilla movies with him. I stopped him abruptly and asked him where she was, and how she and my unborn child was doing. Klayton looked down and said that she and the baby were both fine, I tried to get around him to go inside, but he quickly told me that she wasn't there right now. Then he added very quickly that he asked Kc to marry him. I slowly removed my sunglasses and rather angrily said he asked her for what!?...

🍸I WAS DRUNK IN A BAR🍸Where stories live. Discover now