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I may not be legally divorced but her throwing her wedding band in my face pretty much told me that I was illegally a free man again. Kc walked around me and sat down on the barstool next to the car seat and looked down at the lil baby that was now wide awake and smiling quietly up at her, then she looked over at Sully and asked him if she could hold her. Sandy gently lifted her out of the car seat, as Sully said she sure could, and she handed Skylar to Kc. Klayton and I both walked up behind her and watched how she handled and cooed at her until she got Skylar to giggle at her, I placed my hand on her shoulder and told her she had the natural mommy instinct and would be a perfect mother...then I looked over at Klayton as I said to our son. Klayton quickly grabbed Kc up in his arms and said just because Belinda left me, didn't mean that his fiance was now available because he was still going to marry her. I stepped back as I chuckled sarcastically, and told him as long as Kc still wanted to marry him, I wouldn't try to get in their way, then I smiled wickedly and said under my breath that I would, however, sneak right in front of him and have my way with her while he watched.

Klayton removed his sunglasses and gave me a very serious glare, then said as long as he was participating he didn't give a flying fuck...then he wrapped his arms around Kc and kissed her on the neck. Sully watched as Kc fed, burped, and changed her diaper, and looked over at Sandy and jokingly said she actually did a better job then he did on his first try. I walked in front of Kc and held out my hands and asked if it was my turn to hold my goddaughter yet, Kc looked up at me and slowly handed her to me, and said I had the pleasure of rocking her back to sleep now that she was full and clean. I walked around my entire house rocking her gently and humming softly to my song Revelation, and before I got halfway thru the song, Lil Sky was sound asleep.

Klayton pulled Kc to him and whispered in her ear if they could go home now because she really needed to get off her feet for a while or they'd swell up like tubs again. I quickly agreed to that and told them both that they needed to take care of our little man that was still inside her, and he was probably ready for naptime. I handed the sleeping little Skylar to Sandy then I went down to Kc's tummy and gave it a kiss, and told her and Stoney both that I would be over to their house a little later to see them, but right now I had to get to the Luxor and get to my show before they started without me. Sully grabbed the car seat and took it out to his jeep, and hooked it in, then Sandy followed out holding Skylar and gently placed her in the car seat as they both said they had to get back to Boston, because her hubby had a tour coming up and he had to get all of his shit gathered up, because it was going to be a big one this time, and it was going to last at least 4 months from all the cities/states he was travelling to.

Klayton slowly drove Kc back to his Condo and asked her if she had any wants or desires to go back to me now that I was freed due to Belinda's abrupt and mildly violent departure from the marriage plot she set up. Kc looked down at her feet, and she couldn't help but still feel deep and very strong emotions for me, but she loved her Stoney, and the engagement was done and the wedding date is set, so she was going to marry him no matter, and continue to have me as the crazy part-time boyfriend like they discussed many times before, then she turned to look at him to see the look of total happiness, and newfound security he had. Then he pulled up in the driveway and leaned over and kissed her very deeply and said how much he loved his sweet n sexy Kitten.

He helped her to the house and made sure that Godzilla didn't jump on her or knock her over with his beastly welcome home, and got her nice and comfortable in bed, then locked all the doors, and shut off all the lights, and hopped in bed next to her and snuggled up to her, and instead of going to sleep beens it was still early, he turned on the tube, and they watched Godzilla Vs. Mechagodzilla. Meanwhile back at the Luxor I was doing my last performance of the night and was currently in Xristos mode pulling out the bloody razor blades out of my mouth on the string, when I had a very bad feeling rush over me, that something bad was going to happen, but my visions wouldn't let me know what kind of trouble yet, but it made me very nauseous, and suddenly very worried about Kc and my unborn son.

As soon as I finished my show, and told everyone goodnight I quickly changed and headed out the doors and headed to Serenity, and while on my way I grabbed my phone and dialed Stoney's number, and patiently waited for him to answer because I knew he was still awake. As soon as he asked what I wanted, I asked him very hastily how My Bess was doing, because I had a lot of bad feelings rushing thru me tonight, and for some reason they led me to believe that it was for her and my child, and that it was not only turning my stomach in knots, but it was so fearsome that it was making my blood run cold, and my hairs stand on end.

🍸I WAS DRUNK IN A BAR🍸Where stories live. Discover now