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After Belinda realized that she stuck herself with me for no reason at all for three years, knowing that she couldn't touch any of my finances, hell she couldn't even take any of my shit after the three years was up unless I bought it while I was married to her, and I wasn't planning on buying shit of any value while she was with me. I went into complete rebellion mode, I cut my hair off, and I grew a massive beard knowing how much it disgusted Belinda, she hated any man with facial hair, so naturally I had to grow one...because truth be told, I hated shaving anyway it was a total waste of my time and energy. 

I tried constantly to find my sweet Kc, but I didn't have any luck at all, which not only put me in a very bad mood, but it also put a damper on my live theatrical performances at the Luxor. My mom and brothers tried to cheer me up by telling me it wasn't going to last forever, and before I knew it I would be free again. But that just made me feel worse because I was so lost without my Sweet little Bess, my Kc kitten. I even went as far as asking my brothers and my best buddy Sully to search for her for me. But after 4 months they all gave up too. It seemed like every time I went home I was going to hell instead, because she was worse than the daughter of Satan, knowing that she was stuck with someone that her con-artistry wouldn't work on because I was subconsciously smarter than her by protecting my finances and personal property from gold-diggers like her.

But I did love pushing her fucking buttons and causing her all kinds of hell though, and every time she asked me why I was being such a fucktard to her...I would wickedly chuckle and tell her paybacks were a bitch, and right now I was the king of bitchery, and she could only blame herself, because it was a fucking fact, that I didn't ask her to marry me, because I loathed her. Then just to add to pissing her off, I drank juice from the jug then put it back in the fridge, and when I took a piss in all the toilets I left all the seats up, which was hilarious because she never failed to sit down and fall in the toilet, because she never looked first it always gave me a chuckle. Then right after she got the floors cleaned I would run back and forth playing with my dogs and track dirt and grass all thru the house just for the hell of it. 

But I think what she hated the most about me, was when I invited all my buddies over and had a beer party, even though most of my buddies were used to picking up after themselves I told them not too, and to just leave the beer cans and bottle where they finished them. After they caught on to why I was doing it, they all pitched in gladly because no one that I knew liked her ass either especially when I told them how she got me to marry her. Yep, Ole Stoney hated her ass with a passion, and he managed to make her cry every single time he came over, hell I couldn't even do that, but he wasn't nicknamed Stoney for nothing, he was one mean and badass motha fucker. Belinda would always come to me to tell him off or make him leave, but I would just slink down in the chair or couch I was sitting in and tell her that he was his own man, and I wasn't about to get my ass kicked by trying to kick him out, because he was a hell of a lot meaner than I was.

That would usually make her grab her purse, and leave to go shopping just to get away from all of us, which was a very good thing. So I tried to put her thru as much shit as I possibly could, just to teach her ass a lesson for fucking up my life for three years, and maybe it would break her from doing it with other rich celebrities in the future, but for as ignorant as she was I highly doubted it. Two months have now gone by that I was stuck with her, but still constantly thinking about my Sweet Bess, wondering what she was doing right now, or if she was thinking about and missing me as much as I was really missing her. 

Belinda tried to make a truce with me beens we were stuck together and offered to give me my master bedroom back and she would take one of the other rooms and remove all of her shit from my closet and put them in the smaller closet in the other bedroom, but I was now instead of fighting and arguing with her ass, I was totally ignoring her, just to let her know that I meant what I said when I loathed and despised her. Belinda moved out of my room anyway and put all my shit back where it was before, then for the next two weeks, she kept herself as scarce to me as possible. Now she was the one wishing like hell she never took the paper in to legalize, because she wasn't going to get anything for all her hard living with me except my boot up her ass as soon as the three years was up, along with a nice big, fat divorce.

It wasn't until later that night while I brought my dogs back in from their nightly romp, that I heard Belinda on the phone in her bedroom talking to someone...so naturally I walked closer and stuck my nose up to the door to see if I could tell who she was speaking with...and when I heard of all people, my Sweet Bess on the other line, my heart stopped then fluttered out of my chest and up to the heavens, just from the mere sound of her dulcet voice. Then I moved closer to the door to see what Belinda had to say to her, hoping that I could get out of the conversation where she was living.

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