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It was around 3:00 a.m. when my worst best friend Sully came slinking into my room wanting to tell me something, but when he saw me entwined with a girl that wasn't my fiance, he snickered devilishly to himself and ran right back out the door, to tell Stoney what he just witnessed, then added that she was very adorable. Stoney decided to go up and check it out for himself along with JD and Costa, Klayton actually had a smile of total happiness on his face as he seen me with someone...no anyone else other than that no account bitch Belinda. Costa wanted to wake me up and tell me it was very wrong and I should send the girl away before I got into to trouble, but Klayton stopped him and told him to let me and the adorable girl have some fun, then he shooed them all out and gave me a silent thumbs up as he prayed to himself that she would takeover Belinda's current position in my heart and in my life.

I woke up around 8:00 a.m. with a huge hangover, but I was rather happy about it after having that amazing night with...with, oh well she never told me her name, I rolled over thinking she would still be there so I could actually see her for the first time, but when I did, all that I was hugging was my extra pillow, Dammit! she flew the coop on me sometime this morning! I jumped out of the bed and quickly took a spritz in the shower then got dressed with only one thing on my mind, I had to find that girl before she disappeared on me forever, because there was no way in hell I would ever find someone that loved me that much.

My head was still spinning from all the alcohol that I induced all evening and night, but I was determined to find her, because no one had ever made me move like that in the sack since I was like 17 or 18 years old in high school, when I thought I was in love for the very first time, she brought those old feelings out of me, and I didn't want them to go away anytime soon, but how was I going to find her, I don't know what she looks like, I don't know her damn name, or where she's even from! And I don't think anyone saw me with her at all, hell I couldn't even remember how I got her in the first place because I sure as hell don't remember partying with her that evening at the club maybe one of my buddies I was with would know where I picked her up from...or if I even picked her up at all. I sure hope I wasn't finally losing my fucking mind and it was all something I made up in my mind.

I ran into my Mindfreak Store and quickly locked the door behind me and spun around and asked my brothers if they knew who the girl was, that I was with last night, or if I was even with a real girl last night, because I was totally losing it...all I did know was that it wasn't Belinda. All I could get out of Sully was a lot of laughs. JD and Costa said I was with a girl, but they knew nothing else about it, then continued on with the work they were doing. I rushed over to Stoney and asked him if he knew anything at all because I had to find her! Klayton sat down beside me as he told me to sit my ass down before I fell down, and to relax because he knew exactly what the girl looked like, because he took a good look at her when he checked on me this morning, but as far as who she was other than very sexy looking was unknown to him.

I slammed my already splitting head on the table and told him he wasn't fucking helping me at all! Then I looked up and asked him if he knew why she disappeared on me before I woke up, but again he didn't know why. I pouted out loud as I tossed my head on Stoney's shoulder and told him to hold me, because I was very depressed, that the one girl that gave me everything and more, and loved me unconditionally was no longer there and I would never find her, because I didn't know a damned thing about her. JD changed the subject and said the big bitch was getting ready to enter the room Costa went over to the door and unlocked it then went back behind the counter.

Belinda entered with a loud bang just like always, then came her nagging ass telling me all the shit that I didn't do that I should have done already, and all the shit that I did do that was so wrong. But I was totally zoning her out, for all I could hear was that girls sweet voice as she was talking to me during our lovemaking, then I drowned myself in the thought of her very soft and addictive touches she gave me all night. It wasn't until Belinda slapped me upside the head and asked me if I was listening to any fucking thing she was telling me. I looked right up at her and told her hell no I wasn't listening to her ass, I was having sex in my mind right now and she needed to come bother me a little later. She rolled her eyes at me and said she didn't care what I did on my time, but right now I needed to get my ass off the couch and go get my wedding tux fitted today because tomorrow was the big day and I wasn't even ready for it yet.

Belinda slapped me lightly with her purse as she put it over her shoulder and said she just finished getting her wedding gown fitted and was heading out to place the order on the wedding cake she picked out for us. As soon as she left I stuck my fingers in my ears and fanned them at her while sticking my tongue out at her and blowing raspberries, then I looked over at my brothers and told them that I was so going to call off this fucking wedding, because being with that girl last night made me realize that I could do a hell of a lot better than Belinda, and with someone that really loved everything about me.

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