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Klayton was rambling on about something but I was too busy still trying to fathom what I heard him say about him asking My Bess to marry him. When I snapped out of the deep Greek rage that I wanted to smack down on his ass, I looked at him again and asked him how in the hell could he do that to me! Klayton looked at me like I was some kind of dumbass, and said he wasn't doing anything to him because he was already married! He was doing this for himself and for Kc because they loved each other, and he would love and treat my son like he was his own. I got right in his face and told him I didn't need him love my son because that was my job. Then I spun around to him a second time and told him that I sure as hell didn't need him loving Kc because that was my job too!

Klayton never moved one inch, until I stopped my ranting, then he calmly stated that he wasn't going to allow Kc to live out on the streets and live alone without someone to love her just because I didn't want him to. Then Klayton put his hand on my shoulder and said that for three years I would be untouchable to Kc, and that was a very long time to make her wait, then he also told me that he would never ask Kc to lose the love she had for me because that would be impossible and that she would never stop loving me. But that didn't mean that Kc couldn't have room in her heart to love him too, a man that was single, available, and very interested in her and her unborn baby boy.

I was having a very hard time agreeing with what I was hearing him say, but deep down I knew he was right, and he would take good care of her and my son both. I looked at Stoney and asked him if he knew what Kc was going to do about our son, if she was going to let me be apart of his life, or if she was wanting him to adopt him. Klayton wrapped his arm around my neck and rubbed my head childishly and said that he would never take my place as my baby's daddy, he would just be a very lucky kid and have two of them, one biological dad and one crazy ass stepdad, that would love and protect him just as much. I looked down at my feet and said I knew he would, it was just that I didn't want to let Kc go. Stoney gave a slight sigh and said technically she wasn't going anywhere, and that I could come over anytime. I looked at him sarcastically and told him that's not what I meant.

Klayton snickered at me as he said he knew damned good & well what I meant, then added playfully that he wouldn't mind sharing her with me every now and then because he knew she would like that as well. The harder I tried to stay mad at him, but I just couldn't, because he was my best friend and brother since he was 13 years old, so instead of fighting with him anymore I gave him a cheesy grin as I told him he was a real asshole. Klayton snickered and said he knew that, as he showed me into the house, and tossed me a beer, then took me straight to the room where he and Kc made the new nursery. It was still in the works, but the way they were doing it, it was going to be very nice. I felt like I needed to do a little something to help out, so I mindlessly picked up a paintbrush and began working where Klayton left off. Klayton came out of the bathroom and said he just stopped working on it before I pulled up.

I smiled at him and said well I was going to help finish it, because I really couldn't handle being at home with Belinda right now, knowing that I was truly stuck with her ass. Klayton snickered devilishly as he picked up the roller and got busy with me, and as we were working he came out and asked me if he and Kc would have my blessing about their marriage. I stopped painting for a while, then gave a deep sigh, and told him I couldn't see how the marriage would be possible without me, because I was the best man, and I was part of the family. Klayton dropped the roller in the painter's pan and wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed me on the cheek then put his finger that he had red paint on and rubbed it on my nose, and said for a little and crazy brother I was managed to be totally awesome sometimes.

A few more hours went by and Stoney and I took a look at the room then at each other and dropped the brush and roller at the same time and said it was done. We gave each other a hi-five and walked into his kitchen to celebrate with a victory beer, but when Klayton looked at the clock he slapped his head and told me that he was supposed to pick up Kc at the doctor's office and that he was 20 minutes late! I chuckled at him and told him to hop in my car and I would go with him. Klayton smiled over at me and said Kc would be very happy to see me and that I wasn't in a bad mood about her being with him. I looked over at Stoney as I put my sunglasses on and said I was in a very bad mood about it, but under the forced circumstances, I had to live with it. I put the car in drive and headed to doctor's office to pick up Kc and to see how her appointment went and if my son was ok. When I pulled up in the lot, Kc was standing next to the bench, right when I looked at her my heart fluttered when all the memories of her and I flooded into my mind. I looked down quickly and told Stoney that I couldn't deal with this, Klayton grabbed my neck playfully and said yes I could, then added that he wasn't going to hold it against me for still being madly in love with her because Kc was woman enough to give love to both of us.

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