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Criss made it back to Serenity after he went to see his mom and brothers and tell them the horrid news that he got stuck with, and there was no way for him to get out of it until after the papers expired in three fucking years. Criss stepped out of the taxi, and noticed his car pulled in the parking lot beside Belinda's fucking Prius, and wondered if I was inside waiting for him, and what all bullshit Belinda was telling me about. But once he made it into the house he quickly realized that I wasn't there, and all of his dogs were locked out in the back barking and crying wanting in. Criss cursed under his breath at first, then hollered loud enough for a deaf person to hear, that his fucking dogs stayed in the house, then added rather hostily that her no-account ass would sleep outside before his furbabies did!

After he took care of Chicklet, Oso, Teddy, Spike, and Houdini he ran up the stairs only to see all of his shit all over the place and his huge walk-in closet emptied out. And poor Hammie was locked up in his pet carrier, that Criss only used when he was taking him to the vet. Criss quickly let his baby boy out and as he was holding and kissing on him he snuck up behind her and asked her what her fucking problem was locking all of his babies up for, and why in the hell was all of his shit all over the bedroom! Then he spun around in a full circle and asked her what the fuck she thought she was doing to his closet! Belinda stopped and showed him her wedding band and said that it was their closet and he was going to have to share it, so her clothes could go on one side, and he'd just have to settle for having his winter clothes on the same side as his summer clothes.

Criss swore repeatedly under his breath and told her that all of his shit still better be in his closet when she got done, and he better be able to find everything or else. Then he went to the bed and took his pillow and his blanket off the bed as Hammie followed right behind him, and he went to one of the many extra rooms he had and jumped in the bed and just lay there while rubbing on Hammie, telling him that three years just wasn't going to come fucking fast enough, and that he was seriously thinking about making that bitch disappear permanently to where no one would ever be able to find her worthless Latina ass. Just before Criss fell asleep for his nap, he whistled and all of his other four-legged sons and daughter found him and jumped in bed with him so they all could take their nap together.

Well, his furbabies got to nap anyway, he was stuck wide awake while listening to what sounded like Belinda destroying his bedroom, Criss shook his head to himself as he told himself how he couldn't fucking believe that he let her trick his ass into signing that document. Then he closed his eyes and said he really needed to start listening to Stoney more and stop thinking for himself, then he wouldn't get into all these stupid fucking messes. After arguing and cussing himself out for his utter stupidity, he finally got to close his eyes. But when he did all he could see and hear was me. Criss loved his dream that he was currently living with me, but when he woke up he was in tears. He jumped out of the bed and Hammie went flying into the air, only for me to catch him as he stood up, then kissed him on his head, and said he needed to find me, because he loved me so much, and wasn't going to let marriage get in his way of happiness.

Belinda was finishing up the bedroom when Criss walked in and told her he needed his leather jacket because he was going for a ride on his Harley so he could clear his head for a while. Belinda handed him his jacket and told him that it would be no use in looking for me because I was gone that she paid me to leave and I accepted because I no longer could have him anymore because he was married to her. Criss looked over at her with complete disgust and ordered her to tell him where I went. Belinda sarcastically told him that she hadn't the slightest idea where I went off to. Then added that I probably went apartment hunting somewhere on the poor side of the city, because that would be all I could afford. 

Criss went right up in Belinda's face and told her that nothing was going to keep him faithful or loyal to her fucking ass! and that he loved me with all of his heart, someone that actually loved him back! Then he changed the subject and confronted her, and asked her what the real reason was for her treacherous fucking behavior and taking advantage of him while he was intoxicated to sign that fucking paper! Because she didn't love him! Hell, she didn't even like him! Belinda stepped toward him and sarcastically kissed his nose and simply said that paybacks were a bitch and she was the one in charge now, then she said that she really needed the publicity and his financial support for her music career, and what better way to do that than to marry the Lord of Magic, the new King of Las Vegas himself.

Criss looked at her unbelievably and said that he wasn't giving one more fucking cent to her for her pathetic career! Because he had all of his accounts already taken care of so that no one no matter who he married could ever touch his money or any of his possessions that he acquired before he met them. Belinda looked at him and said he was lying! Criss gave a cynical grin and told her to check it out for herself, then he tossed her his cell phone, so she could call his bank and see for herself that all of his funds were tightly secured that not even his family could get money out unless he verbally okayed it personally, first. Belinda pressed the speed dial and waited for them to answer, but the bank was closed for the evening, Criss smiled and said tomorrow than.

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