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Criss was wrapped around me instantly like static cling, as he said he couldn't believe fucking Stoney would play him like that having me there with him all the time! Then he slid back a little so he could take a very good look at me, which made me a little insecure, but when he gave me that very sexy smile he had and wrapped around me again I think maybe I was in the clear and approved of my looks. But as he began to hug and kiss me all over wanting to play some bedtime games with me I reminded him rather quickly that he was engaged to my somewhat of an old friend. Criss looked at me and as he kissed my lips very playfully he asked me to tell him the entire story about how I made it to his bedroom last night because everything other than the sex feeling so great was a total blur to him.

I blushed a deep red and told him that Belinda called me over to the girls club she was hanging at with her other friends and said she had a special surprise for me back at her suite, which at the time I didn't know was his suite, and I let her drag me to the Luxor, then up to the room. After I followed her into the bedroom she locked the door behind her and told me that beens he was drunk out of his mind that he was all mine. Which at first I thought she was fool of shit, but when she pulled me out of my clothes and literally tossed me in the bed next to him and told me to have fun but to make sure I was gone before morning or he would realize that I wasn't her and cause a lot of problems for her and me both. Then she said goodbye and then he knew and remembered the rest.

Criss blinked a few times and asked why Belinda sold him out to me, I hesitated and hoping that he wouldn't ask, but beens he did, I wasn't about to lie to him, so I told him that she did it to keep him occupied while she went and had the night with her other boyfriend that she actually loved. Criss shook his head and said he really needed to listen to Stoney more often, then he added that he really hated it when he was right all the time. He then asked me if I knew what the other bastards name was, but I honestly didn't have a clue who she was screwing around with. Criss was thinking really hard on it for a while, but then he let it all go and said he really didn't give a fuck because while she was screwing around on him, he was so screwing around on her with me, which in his opinion was a much better trade.

I changed the subject as he was lightly kissing and sucking on my neck and asked him when he knew I wasn't Belinda that night. He snickered at me as he continued his butterfly kissing and said as soon as he felt my body he knew I wasn't her because no matter how drunk he could be, a girls bust and ass size just don't change, and Belinda had neither ass or breasts and I had a voluptuous set of each which really made me laugh at him for his utter silliness of how he said it. Then he added that there was so much that I let him get away with last night that Belinda would have never let him do with her ever, not even when they first got together and she was actually hot for him, did she let him do what I did with him.

Criss quickly changed my subject and asked me why I let him go that far with me. I didn't have a very colorful answer for him, so I just told him the blunt dull truth...that I have been in love with him for a very long time, and was expressing all the emotions for him at once, because at that time I knew I wasn't going to get another chance to be with him again. After Criss heard me say that he rolled on top of me and said that I didn't have to worry anymore because I would have all the chances in the world to keep showing him how much I loved him because there was no way in hell he was going to let me disappear from him. Then he started to give that naughty boy giggle as he turned out the lights, and I knew what was on his silly ass mind...but it was the same thing that was on my mind this time as well, because I just couldn't get enough of his very superb body, and his extremely magical hands.

Meanwhile, back down in the wedding apparel store Belinda was walking in circles angrier than a wet hen because Criss wasn't down there yet getting his tux fitted for tomorrow, but what Belinda didn't know wouldn't hurt her until tomorrow, because just as soon as he romanced me to sleep he got on the phone and told everyone that he was calling off the wedding, and was totally dumping Belinda. So the only one that didn't know his plans was Belinda, which was perfect for him, because he felt like being a total prick to her for after the shit she pulled, now it was his turn to mess her up by leaving her ass standing alone at the altar...because there was no way in hell he was ever going to marry her now that I magically came into his life rather suddenly, and it gave him a slight twinge of deep pride in knowing that it was no ones fault but her own that he dumped her, because she was the one that brought me into his life in the first place, surely she knew what would happen when she brought us together that he would completely go nuts about me just because I showed him so much love that she just wouldn't and couldn't give to him. 

🍸I WAS DRUNK IN A BAR🍸Where stories live. Discover now