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It was now the week that Kc and my little boy was going to be welcomed to the world, JD and his wife Rachel, and Costa and his fiance Kimberly came down from New York to spend the week with me as well so they could welcome our son to the world. They were all a little curious to why Stoney was living with me too, but it was a little difficult to describe to them, so I just told them that Stoney was nuttier than I was, and he did whatever he felt like doing, and right now he wanted to live here, so he brought all of his shit, and moved in, what could I say he was silly like that. I thought it was going to be a nice and quiet family get together, but I was wrong. Belinda had an officer come to the house and place an official court document telling me that I was being taken to court about a wedding agreement being slandered.

I told them that I would get my boots on and go with them right now and get the shit taken care of instead of delaying it, I grabbed my car keys and told my family I would be back shortly and not to worry that I had this all under control. I followed the police car all the way to the courthouse, thinking that Belinda was trying to milk the cash cow for all I had, but she had another thing coming, because I had all the legal paperwork and certificates stating that all my accounts were off limits to her and anyone that ever tried to marry me just for my riches. After I got into the courtroom I was caught off guard that Belinda didn't have her entire Latina ass family sitting behind her on this, but it was just her and me in the room with the judge sitting at the desk waiting for me.

I nodded my head in honor of the judge and asked what this summons was for exactly, Belinda spoke out and said she wanted to sign up for a divorce because she fell in love with someone else, and she was wrong for tricking me into marriage, when I never loved her or she loving me, and she wanted to make it right, so she agreed to have the legal document that she tricked me into signing and having it revoked, that way she would be free from me, and I would be free from her without having to wait three years before she could legally marry her new man that she loves dearly. I dropped all the paperwork I had on the table a little speechless and said that was great, and I would be eternally grateful for it and 100% agree to it.

So after three hours of talking to the judge, and signing a shit load of papers, I finally got a legal document stating that I Criss Angel was legally a free man again, I looked over at Belinda and wished her luck with her new man, then I thanked her again for this. The judge told us both that we needed to pay for the court costs, but I told Belinda she could go and the least I could do was pay the court costs. She gave me a slight smile and wished me luck with my future child on the way, then she disappeared and I never saw her again. I was so ecstatic I leaped and bounded all the way down to my car and raced home so fast that I almost got a damn speeding ticket, but I managed to get by with it just that once, and pulled up in my parking lot, and watched lovingly at my crazy ass blood brother chasing all the dogs around in my front yard while trying to catch Chicklet, for she had his left boot in her mouth, but all the other dogs were actually guarding her from Stoney, and every time he got close to catching her, Oso or Godzilla would get in the way. I had to admit it was rather hilarious to witness.

Kc and my entire family was now outside on the front porch watching Klayton chase the dogs without much success in getting his boot, so he slid on his ass and just sat there and said hell with it, then he hollered at Chicklet and called her a bitch, and said to keep his damned shoe, because he didn't want it anyway, then he pulled off his other boot and tossed it at her, and told her she could have the right one too! I hopped out of my car and whistled to Chicklet and told her to stop flirting with Stoney and give him his damned shoes back, that he wasn't interested in her at all. Chicklet snorted a little bit as she was chomping on his boot, but walked over to where Stoney tossed his other boot and picked it up too, and brought them both to me and sat down as she dropped them at my feet, and wagged her tail proudly like she did an amazing feat winning his shoes.

I picked them up and told her she was good, then I handed them to Stoney and told him he needed to learn how to handle female dogs again because Chicklet had a huge crush on him, that's why she took his boots. Stoney put his boots on and said that was really cute, as I helped him to his feet, I told him that was Chicklets way of flirting with him, she wanted him to pay attention to her. Chicklet went up to Klayton and sat down in between his legs and whined loudly as she slapped him with her paw. Stoney gave her a few love rubs and told her that it was nice that she liked him, but the relationship would never work between them, and she needed to go flirt with Godzilla because he really liked her. Oso and Chicklet were brother and sister, and Oso was fixed when I got him from the pound, but Chicklet was still open, and so was Godzilla. I looked over at Stoney and told him that was the last thing I needed was that big ass bastard knocking up my dog, and having a whole house full of wild, large, and very unruly puppies running around my castle and turning it into a dog kennel. Just then, my mom, Rachel, and Kimberly hollered from the porch and told us both that Kc's baby was coming!! And we needed to get to the hospital right away!

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