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(Kc's p.o.v.)

Criss never took his eyes off of me since Klayton sat me down on his lap, and kept asking Klayton all sorts of questions about me, and what led him to the insanity to take a girl that was simply sharing a taxi with him, and claim her as his girlfriend. Klayton snapped his fingers as he wrapped them around me and said thats just the way he bounced every now and then, and that I totally understood it, and agreed to the relationship then he kissed me on the cheek. Criss snickered at his crazy ass blood brother as he told him he was almost as bad as he was. Klayton pulled his sunglasses partially down and gave Criss a very awkward stare and told him very seriously that he would never get that bad.

Criss mindlessly chuckled as he stood up and said he just really needed to find that girl, because it was going to drive him totally insane if he didn't, Klayton tapped me and showed me what he was telling me about earlier...and after hearing how much he wanted me back, I couldn't believe the impact I put on him last night, and when he started talking about how great the sex was, I was turning redder than Klayton's hair. But when he started tearing up, I really wanted to go to him and tell him it was me, but Klayton told me to wait just a little bit longer, and let him simmer in his juices for a while more. That's when I realized that Klayton Scott was one awnery little shit, but he did it knowing that he actually was there to rescue his brother from mental peril by handing me to him.

Costa and JD were totally in the dark because when they went up to see me with Criss, it was still a little bit dark in the room, and they didn't get a look at me, they just knew that I wasn't Belinda. Sully got a slight look at me, but when Klayton came into the store with me he left back to his studio on the go RV, so he could finish one of his album covers while he was on his vacation, so he didn't get the chance to take a good look at me either. Klayton kept telling me to talk with everyone, just to see if Criss would recognize my voice but that didn't work because he was too into his own mind, trying to figure out how to locate me without knowing my name or my face.

It was rather hilarious to listen to all the crazy ideas Criss had to locate me, and his extreme determination in finding me was very flattering to me, I never had anyone want me that badly before let alone the hero/love of my life since I was 8 years old. After three hours of his crazy rantings, Criss plopped back down on the couch and put his head in his hands and said I was just fucking gone, and he was never going to get the chance to see me or be with me again, then he playfully pouted as he laid his head back on Klayton and told him to hold him that he was totally stressing himself out, and quickly becoming depressed from it. 

Klayton wrapped his arm around Criss's neck and patted him on his head and told him there, there, that he would be alright, and not to stress about it too much because for one it wasn't good for his mental health, and secondly he had the solution to all of his problems. Criss sat back up and said there was no solution to his problems because the unknown girl love of his life was gone forever, and by tomorrow evening he was going to fucking be Mr. Belinda Peregrine and live the rest of his life in total fucking turmoil and hate every second of his life until he got the brains to divorce her ass then he would live the rest of his life as a one night stand player hoping that one of them would be Mrs. Right.

Klayton and his two brothers were all laughing their asses off at Criss's morbid sense of humor. Criss stood back up again and told us all that he was going back to his bedroom and sulk some more because he knew there was no chance of ever finding me. Klayton whispered in my ear to follow him up to the room, then when he notices ask him if it was ok to join him. I looked at him and asked him how that was going to help the situation any. Klayton playfully slapped my ass and told me to trust him. Because he knew that if Criss simply had one touch with me, he would remember everything, and would know who I was. I was too nervous to follow him so Klayton stood up and hollered at Criss to wait up because he was sending me up with him so I could tuck him in, Criss stopped and waited then looked at Klayton like he wanted to kick his ass, and Klayton just gave him his cheesy ass grin as he told him he could thank him later.

Criss rolled his eyes at Klayton then looked at me and told me to c'mon so he could humor his crazy ass blood brother and take me up into the room with him. I silently followed behind him and walked into his suite behind him as he shut the door he told me I didn't have to go into the bedroom with him, that I could crash on the couch and watch tv or anything I wanted to do for a couple hours, then he would take me back down to the lobby. I lovingly smiled at him but followed him into the bedroom anyway. He slipped out of his clothes and boots, and hopped in the bed and buried his head under his pillow. I removed my clothes but still in my undergarments and snuggled up beside him under the blankets and when he rolled over to where his back was facing me, I carefully wrapped my arm around his waist and gently touched his rippling abs, and slowly rubbed up to his massive chest...Criss instantly rolled around to face me and as he looked deep into my eyes, he had a few tears beginning to form.

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