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Belinda left the Luxor and headed to her car when she noticed her old friend and stopped her before she got into the taxi and asked her what in the hell was she still doing here! That she was supposed to be long gone already because if I saw her it would be over! Her friend rolled her eyes at her and told her it was already over with, because I knew she wasn't Belinda last night, but when I asked her for her name she didn't answer him, and when I begged her to stay with me, as soon as I fell good and asleep she left, then she added rather hotly what fucking more did she want from her! She got to be with her other boyfriend, and she got to love the man she was in love with since she was 8 years old, and now she had to leave me forever, even after I told her that I loved her.

Belinda put her arm on her friend's shoulder and told her that she thought she was doing the right thing by her, for letting her have one time with him, knowing how much she's longed for me since high school, then she said if it was any condolences to her that she wasn't going to enjoy being married to me at all, because she couldn't stand the sight of me, let alone me touching her. Her friend sat back in the taxi and said if she hated me so much don't marry him, and find another cash cow to take advantage of and leave me alone because I was too good of a man to treat that way. Because not even all the money in the world was worth living an entire life in misery and unhappiness. Belinda thought she was referring to her unhappiness, but she wasn't she was worried about my unhappiness with her.

After Belinda got into her car and headed out, Klayton emerged out of the darkness and quickly hopped in the Taxi with the girl, and asked her if she'd share her cab with him. She ecstatically said yes to him as he shook his hand telling him that she was a huge Celldweller/C.O.D./Scandroid fan. Klay smiled at her and gave her a hug and autographed her chest for her. Then just for the hell of it, they had a very nice conversation about everything from his music to what he liked to do for fun, then he asked about her, first of all, what her name was. She smiled at him and said her name was Kc Lyn Etienne. After riding around in circles with him Kc finally asked him where it was that he needed to go and that they did four complete circles and they were now back where they started from The Luxor. Klayton looked out the window and chuckled and said this was where he needed to be, then he put his hand on Kc and said that she really needed to be there too because there was a certain man in there that was going completely insane without her.

Kc looked at him a little shocked and asked him what he was talking about, Klayton kissed her on the lips and said that he knew she was the girl that slept with Criss Angel last night, and that he was his best buddy and brother, and right now he was heartbroken because she left him before he got the chance to meet her face to face without the cover of darkness, and him being drunk. Kc looked down and said she couldn't let him see her, and that Belinda just let her have that one night with him, because she was her old friend from high school, and that she knew how much in love with him she was. Klayton pulled her into the Luxor, and told her that there was no way in hell that he was going to let his brother marry that no account bitch, when there was someone as good as her out here just longing to love everything he was and everything he did and wasn't out to get him just for his money and publicity he could give them.

But when Kc tried to step back to the cab, Klayton turned and picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder and said one way or another his brother was getting her back, even if he had to carry her all the way kick'n' & screamin'. Kc asked him if he was always this demanding, Klayton snickered devilishly and told her always, especially when it came to saving his brother from the biggest mistake of his life. Klayton made it to the front door of the Mindfreak Store and sat Kc down and asked her if she was going to be a good girl now and walk in with him, or did he have to carry her in hogtied and gagged. Kc snickered at him and said she would behave and go in with him, but she was just afraid that she wasn't good enough for me.

Klayton looked at Kc very sullenly as he told her that she was too good for me because he truly didn't deserve someone as good as her, but because I was his brother and in trouble with marrying the worst bitch imaginable like Belinda, he was willing to let me have her and not take her for himself, then he kissed her again and walked her into the store where Costa, JD, Sully, and I were all still sitting around on the two sofa's talking about women and how two-timing and no good most of them were. Klayton came in and sat down on the side of me, and pulled Kc down on his lap and comically asked me what I thought of his girlfriend. Kc looked at him and couldn't help but giggle at how he was going to re-introduce her to me. I looked at Stoney and then looked at the girl and told him that she was a very adorable chick, then he inquisitively asked him when he managed to pick up a girlfriend so fast, that he was single last night and early this morning. Klay chuckled at me and said he just picked her up out of the taxi not twenty minutes ago.

🍸I WAS DRUNK IN A BAR🍸Where stories live. Discover now