Chapter 2: Don't Let Me Go

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*Camila's P.O.V*

"C-Camz?" I heard Lauren choke out.

My head shot up from where it was resting.  My tear filled eyes widened as I stared into the beautiful green ones of my girlfriend.  "Lauren?" I cried.  She opened her mouth to respond but couldn't get any words out.  

I instantly hit the red nurse button about a million times.  A woman burst into the room, "What?!  What's wrong?" she boomed, looking at the machines.

"She's awake!" I stammered.  "She's awake." I said almost whispering to myself.

Dinah and Ally burst into the room probably hearing the commotion.  "Lauren!" They screamed rushing towards the bed.

"Don't over crowd her, girls." The nurse warned.  "Here Miss. Jauregui." she helped Lauren sit up and handed her a glass of water, which Lauren happily sipped.

"Thank you." Lauren spoke softly.

The nurse nodded her head simply, then turned to us, walking us into the hall, "Lauren's levels seem to have stayed stable, if she continues to make this much improvement she should be cleared to go home tomorrow.  You will just need to keep an eye on her, make sure she takes her medication in the proper dosage, and she'll have to start going to therapy and support groups again."

"Again?" Ally questioned.

The nurse looked through her paper work, "Yeah, it says here that two years ago she was put in a home for troubled girls for 6 months.  She had to take classes, go to group therapy, and get checked by a psychiatrist every week." she looked at us with a confused look on her face, "Is this paperwork wrong?  I can go call the facility to double check."

I shook my head, "No no, that's right.  No need to double check, it just slipped our minds."  I flashed the nurse a friendly smile.

She smiled back at me, "I'll be back later to check on Lauren, you can go back in there and talk to her, just make sure you don't bombared her with questions or make her feel cornered."

We nodded and the nurse walked away silently.  The girls turned to face me.  "Troubled girls facility?" Dinah questioned me.

I shook my head, "I don't know, don't ask her any questions about it okay?  I'll talk to her about it later, just don't question it or anything that she's done, yet.  She'll talk when she's ready, I don't want to put her in a bad place again, you know?"  The girls nodded, agreeing with me.  "Now let's go see her."

We made our way back into Lauren's room.  A weak smile snuck onto her face, her eyes lit up as she say us walk it.  "Hi." she croaked, "You have no idea how hard it's been not seeing you guys for so long."  She looked around the room and frowned, "Where's Mani?"

"She's at the hotel, I'll text her.  She was suppose to be babysitting Camila, but clearly that didn't work." Ally said motioning towards me.

Lauren frowned again, "What about the tour?  What did you tell the fans?" she began to worry.  The machine that was once slowly beeping measuring her heart beat quickened.

"Shhh, Lolo.  We can talk about all of that later." I said rushing to her side and grabbing her hand, running my thumb over the back of it to soothe her.

Lauren coughed.  "Girls, I love you.  Thank you all for being here but can I have a moment alone with Camila?"

After a moment of glances back and forth Dinah finally spoke, "Of course, Laur.  Let us know if you two need anything.  We'll be right out there." she pointed down the hall before her and Ally ducked out the door.

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