Chapter 14: Coming Out

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*Camila's P.O.V*

I drug Lauren into the living room.  Sofi lept off the couch, running into Lauren's arms.  I admired how well Lauren interacts with Sofi.  She's going to make an amazing mother one day and to be honest I hope it's with me.

Once Lauren puts Sofi down, she runs back over to her spot on the couch next to my mother.  Mom looks between me and Lauren, worry probably riddles our faces.  "So what did you have to talk to us about, Camila?" she asked.

I bit my nails and Lauren sat down on an armchair next to me.  I paced a few more times until Lauren reached out her hand and grabbed my arm to stop me.  "Camz, you need to tell her."  I just nodded, trying to rip my arm from Lauren's grasp but it didn't work.  "Camila." she said sternly.

I sighed and looked at my mom and Sofi.  "Mom, I- I uh.."  I choked on my own words.

"Karla," My mother spoke abruptly, "What's going on?"

I looked at Lauren and she grabbed my hand squeezing it for support then dropped it so she could run her fingers through her hair nervously.

"Mom, I'm gay." I spit out before I could think about what I was saying.  I felt my face heat up and I covered it with my hands before bursting into hysterical fits of tears.  Before I knew it, I felt  a pair of warm arms around me.  The smell of vanilla and amber stung my nose.  I knew in a moment it was Lauren.  I tightly wrapped my arms around her and buried my face into her neck, continuing to cry.

"Shh, Camz, It's okay." Lauren cooed, running her fingers through my hair.  "Baby, don't cry." she whispered in my ear.

My mother cleared her throat and we both turned around to look at her.  I wiped my cheeks with the back of my hands and tried to stop crying while Lauren placed her arm protectively around my waist.  Mom stood and looked at me straight in the eye.  "Camila, come here." her voice smooth as silk.

I slowly walked over to her, shaking more with every step I took.  "Si Mami?" I asked.

Mom just smiled at me and hugged me tightly.  After a moment she spoke, "Karla, I love you no matter what.  Whether you like girls or boys, whether you're singing or decide to become an accountant, whether you are happy or sad, I love you.  You are my daughter, my eldest daughter, and I am so proud of the young woman you are growing up to be.  I accept you for exactly how you are."  My mom pulled out of the hug, walked over to Lauren, and gave her a hug as well.  "Thank you for being such a good, supportive friend for Karla."

Lauren smiled at her and nodded, "I'd do anything for her, Ms. Cabello."

Sofi finally spoke up and came over to us.  "Uhm, what's going on?" she asked clearly confused.

"Well," my mom picked Sofi up, setting her on her hip.  "Camila was scared that we wouldn't still love her because she likes girls instead of boys."

"Is that a bad thing?" Sofi asked, looking at me.

I hesitated so Lauren spoke for me, "Not at all, Sof.  It means Camzi is happy."

A large smile grew across Sofi's face, "I like when Mila is happy."

"Well I am." I said, looking over at Lauren.  "Mom, there's another thing I have to tell you."

Mom set down Sofi and Sofi ran into the other room saying something about wanting a juice box.  "Yes?  What is it?"

I took a deep breath and took Lauren's hand.  "I'm in love with Lauren."  I held up our intertwined fingers for my mother to see.

Mom looked between Lauren, our hands, and I for a moment without saying anything.  Clearly Lauren couldn't take the silence anymore, she let go of my hand, and took a few steps away from my mother and I.  "Please don't hate me," she whispered, looking at her feet.  "I'm sorry."  I saw a tear trickle down her cheek but she wiped it away quickly.


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