Chapter 17: Talking to Taylor

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*Lauren's P.O.V*

Taylor was sitting on the floor looking through an old family photo album.  She looked up at me angrily, "I told you to go away!" she yelled.

"I'm not leaving you, Taylor!" I yelled back before collapsing on the floor next to her.

She looked me in the eye.  It looked as if she had been crying for a long time.  Her face softened and she looked back down at the photo album.  "Do you think they would be proud of us?" She asked, tears running down her face as she glided her fingers across a picture of our parents.

I put my arms around her, letting her fall into my chest.  "I know they would be.  Especially you.  You're growing up to be such an amazing, beautiful, young woman, Tay."

Taylor sat up, slammed the book closed, and crashed into my arms again.  The minute I saw tears rolling down her cheeks, I burst into tears as well.  We rocked back and forth and cried into each other's shirts.  This is the first time we actually sat together and cried about our parents.  After what seemed like ages, we pulled apart.

"Why are you so mad at me, TayTay?" I whispered.

She scooted away from me slightly.  "It's dumb.  Just forget it."

I shook my head and kissed her forehead. "Just tell me, Taylor."

Taylor pulled her knees into her chest and sighed. "I don't want to be left alone."

I looked at her and cocked my head to the side, "You're not alone, what are you talking about?"

"You've been gone so much because of the tour and x-factor.  When you come home you spend a lot of time with Camila.  Now I have to share you even more because she's your girlfriend.  When you got boyfriends in the past, you spent a lot of time with them but you still spent time with me when you needed 'girl time'," she let go of her legs and put air quotes around the last words.  "and now that your significant other IS a girl, you'll spend even less time with me.  I don't want to lose my sister.  You're my best friend Lauren."

My heart shattered.  Taylor look to the floor and sniffled.  "Baby, I may be really busy but I'll never leave you.  Yeah, Camila's my girlfriend but you're my sister. I'd do anything for you, you should know that." I looked into her beautiful eyes, "I'm always a phone call away and if you need me in person, I'll get here as soon as I can."

Taylor nodded, not saying much.

"Tonight, you can sleep in my room." I told her.  "We'll watch movies and cuddle like we use to.  Sound good?" I forced a smile onto my face.

She nodded eagarly, "I'd love that, Lauren."

"Good," I kissed her forehead again before standing.  "Camila's in my room waiting for me but I'll make her go home in like.." I hesitated looking at the time. "an hour and then we can have Lauren/Taylor time, alright?"

Taylor agreed happily.  I smiled and exitted the room quickly, returning to my beautiful girlfriend who was sound asleep on my bed.

I'm so glad everything with Taylor got worked out.

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