Chapter 13: It's Now or Never

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*Lauren's P.O.V*

Today's the day I have to tell my family about Camila and I's relationship.  I'm honestly terrified.  Hopefully my Aunt and Uncle will understand and still love me.  Hopefully Taylor and Chris will be accepting.  What if they all hate me?  What if Camila won't love me if they don't accept us?

My phone ringing interrupted my thoughts.  "Hello?" I answered groggily.

"Hey Laur." I smiled at the sound of Camila's voice.

"Hi Camz." I whispered, almost inaudible.

"So, would you like to be here when I tell my mom and Sofi?" She asked, I can tell she's uncomfortable but smiling through the pain.

I admire her bravery.  "Only if you want me to." I responded.

She sighed, "Honestly, I really want you there Lo."

I smiled to myself, "Then I'll be there, babe."

Camila is silent for a moment, "I love when you call me that." she sighed.

I chuckled.  "Well I love calling you that."  My mind flashed to the first night we said this to each other and a warmth filled my body.

"Can you be here around 2?" Camila sniffled.

"Of course.  Camzi, are you crying?" I asked.   She didn't answer, just continued sniffling.  I heard her breathing speed up.  "Camz, what's going on in that perfect little head of yours?" I ask quickly.

"I know this was my idea but I'm so afraid." she said in between cries.

I sighed, "We'll get through this Camila, together."

"Okay." she whispered.

"I'll be there at 2." I murmured to Camila.  "Then I want you there when I tell my family."

I heard Camila giggle through the sniffles, "Sounds good Lolo."

"I have to go get ready babe." I told her, even though I didn't want to hang up the phone. "I'll see you soon.  I love you."

"I love you too." Camila said before I hung up the phone.

I took a quick shower and changed into a comfortable outfit, but nice enough so I looked decent when I was being introduced to Sinu as Camila's girlfriend for the first time, I still want to set a good impression.

 I ran down stairs and grabbed my keys, writing a note that I'd be back later with Camila and I needed everyone home so I could talk to them about something very important.

Once I got in my car, I started to comprehend the whole situation.  This whole thing honestly terrifies me but I need to stay strong for Camz, I'll have my turn to break later when we tell my family.  I can't believe I'm about to go tell my best friend's mother that I'm really in love with her, that we dated, that we're going to date again.

I took a deep breath and started my old truck.  It roared to life and clunked as I shifted into reverse and pulled out of my driveway, making the hasty drive to Camila's.

*Camila's P.O.V*

I pace the living room floor, waiting for my mom to arrive home with Sofi.  Lauren's on her way and this is the moment where my life could change forever.  For how long I've been pacing, I could swear I would have worn a hole into the floor by now.

Suddenly I hear the click of the door and little feet running down the hall. "Mila!" Sofi screams.

I pick her up and swing her around, setting her back on the floor.  "Hi baby!  How was school?"

She smiled, "Good!"

"That's good!" I took her hand and led her to the couch, "Lauren will be here soon, then we have to talk to you and Mami, how does that sound?"

Sofi jumped onto the couch, "Yay!  Lauren!"

I smiled, she loves Lauren and that makes me so happy.

"What about Lauren?" my mother asks walking into the room.

"She's on her way because I have to talk to you two about something very important." I answered.

Mom looked at me in a funny way then nodded, sitting next to Sofi on the couch, and turning on the television.

After a while of watching television in silence, there was a knock at the door.  "Must be Lauren, I'll get it." I stood up quickly, practically sprinting to the door.

I opened it with shaky hands, a smiling but worried Lauren looked back at me.  Her green eyes tinted with fear.  I stepped out of the door and onto the porch, closing the door behind me.  Lauren pulled me into a hug, trying to calm me while I shook.  "Are you ready, Camz?" she whispered after a while.

She released me from my hug and I took a step back, placing a quick kiss on her lips.

"As I'll ever be." I responded, opening the door, and leading Lauren inside.


Haii! I know you've been waiting for a chapter for a while so here's a shitty filler one, while I figure out how to make the coming out chapter damn new perfect.  I just want it to be executed properly.
If any of you have interesting tid bits you think should be included in the coming out of Camren, comment or message me!(: 

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