Chapter 11: Gotta Stay High

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*Lauren's P.O.V*

When we entered the door to the party it was already full of people.  Music was blasting, every time the bass dropped the house shook a little bit.  I small smile spread across my face, reminiscing on how much I've missed going to parties with Vero.  She interrupted my thoughts but shoving a red cup into my hand and pushing it to my lips. "Drink." she ordered.  I hesitated but obliged.  "Now let's go get have some fun!" she yelled over the music.  I just rolled my eyes in response as she dragged my towards the living room so we could dance.  She grabbed my belt loops and spun me around, pulling me into her. She grinded her pelvis into my ass and made my hips move.  "You're a Latina," she screamed, "move like one!"  I grinned and took another drink of my unidentified beverage and grinded into Vero, letting my mind clear itself.

I have no intention of getting drunk tonight, I'm in charge of driving home at like 3am or whenever we leave.  But just because I'm not getting to drunk to drive, does not mean I can't have a little fun.

*Camila's P.O.V*

I asked the tall boy in the kitchen to pour me another drink.  He nods and smiles sweetly while mixing a few beverages together before pouring it into my plastic cup.  "Thanks!" I smiled.

He grabbed my waist, pulling me into him, "Anything for you sweetheart."

I was about to say something but Marielle came to my rescue, "Hey, come on.  Let's chill downstairs.  It's a lot quieter."  I giggled and agreed, following her out of the kitchen.

Before we walked out of the room completely, I thought I saw Lauren dancing with people in the living room.  Ugh, I must be seeing things.  "Push her from your thoughts, Camila." I mumbled to myself.  I downed my drink and shook all thoughts of Lauren away, making our way down stairs.

I grabbed a beer out of the cooler at the bottom of the stairs, opened it, and took a huge sip.  The air in the basement was thick and smoky.  Although you could still faintly hear the bass upstairs, my ears filled with chill melodic vibes.  The kind that you just want to bob your head to with the windows rolled down on a Friday afternoon.  Marielle came over to me and pounced onto the couch next me.

"Cammmmiiiiiiiiiiii!" She squeeled.

"Yes Mar?" I laughed at her, starting to feel the alcohol kick in.

"Would you like to smoke?" Marielle asked bouncing up and down.

I took another drink of my beer while I thought about her question, "Sure, there's a first time for everything, right?  And I've already started with this." I said gesturing to the beer.

"Yay!" She cheered, "Come with me!  This guy has the best shit."

I tripped behind her as we went into another room which was even smokier than the last.  I looked around, trying to grasp my surroundings.  Many people scattered around me, some nodding their heads to the music, others releasing smoke from their mouths.  I cough at the smell and because of the thickness of the air.

Marielle returns to me and hands me something rolled up, "Just put it in your mouth and suck in when I light it.  When you've had enough, just hold it and release." she instructed.

I nodded, placing the joint in my mouth.  She lit the end and I inhaled.  I took it out of my mouth and started coughing.  My eyes watered and I felt like I was choking.  "You'll get use to it." she told me taking a puff for herself.

I took it back from her and inhaled again, letting the smoke take over my body.  Maybe I just have to stay high to keep Lauren of my mind.

*Lauren's P.O.V*

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