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You smiled as you entered the house the boys shared. You giggled mischievously. When you entered the living you jumped as you see Moonbin on the couch. You frown as you sigh.

"I tried.." You say. When you go over to him you notice he isn't up. You curiously look at him. He didn't seem to look good to you. You then shook him bit. He didn't wake up. You then become worried and shake him more. He slightly opens his eyes and then looks at you. You look at him worried still, he then sits up slightly but soon fall on you closing his eyes again. You then realize he was sick. 

"Aish.. Poor Binnie.. Dummy.. Why did you sleep out here? The windows open too.." You said observing the living room. You then put your hand under his head and lift him off of you and get up as you lay his head on the couch pillow. You get up and went in the kitchen. You started to cook some soup. Soon after you did the other guys began to wake up and headed straight to the kitchen.

"Mhh! (Y/n) your so nice! That smells good!" Sanha says. You sigh as you put what you made in one bowl. You went to Sanha and ruffled his hair.

"I hate to disappoint you all, but this is for the sick on in the living room." You said. They all frowned and stared at you. You couldn't take this kinda stuff. There eyes stared at you and you felt very uncomfortable. Then you sighed and gave in.

"I'll make you all something when I finish with Bin." You say. They then smile and cheer happily. They then watch as you make your way over to Bin. They then chuckle and whisper.

"(Y/n) likes Bin." MJ says a bit to loudly. You look back at all of them and glare. They then look away as if they weren't talking about you.

"Do you still want your food?!" You said. They then look at you and nod as they bow and say their apologies. You nod and then sat down on the edge of the couch. You set his food on the table and shake him a bit.

"Binnie.. Wake up." You said lightly. You sigh as you keep going trying to wake him up. You then put his food on your lap. 

"Hmm.. What should I do with this soup I've made.. Hm.. Maybe I should give it to some else who likes beef." You say bit loudly but enough he could hear you. You then look at him and see him move a bit then slowly open his eyes.

"I want it.." He said quietly. You smiled as you nodded. You helped him to sit up and then eat. 

"(Y/n) I'm fine.. Don't worry so much." He said. You looked at him and then kept feeding him, he didnt really have a problem with that part.

"I found you here, its cold outside and its bad to be somewhere without a blanket. You have a bad fever, and me being someone who cares a lot is helping you out." You said. He smiles as he looks at you and keeps eating. When he is done you go to the kitchen and wash the stuff you used. When your done you go to Bins room and clean up before calling him in.

"I told the guys I'd make them something to eat so your gonna have to stay here for a bit, okay?" You said. He nods and sits on his bed. When you start to get up from your sitting spot on the bed he pulls you back and then hugs you for a bit.

"I can still have most of your food right.." He said. You blushed as you hugged back and then nodded. He then let go and laid down snuggling into the blanket and plays a game on his phone. You smile and still blush as you get up and head towards the kitchen.


When you were done you served them. You didn't give them as much as you gave Bin which made them a little upset but once they started eating they had forgot everything. You then walked over to Bins room and sit on the bed with him.

"Here." You said as you gave him the plate. He smiled as he looked at you. He then ruffled your hair and kissed your forehead. You blushed and smiled slightly. He then grabbed the bowl and put it on his lap, he began eating as you laid back and closed your eyes.

"Making food is tiring, but fun." You say lightly. He smiles as he continued eating. 

"You deserve a break, maybe we should all go somewhere just for you one day, when I'm not sick." He says sheepishly. You smile and look at him as you nod and closed your eyes back up. You fell asleep afterwards and snuggled into his pillow. When he was done he laid down with you and looked at you while lying down.

"(Y/n) you deserve a lot yah know.." He says lightly. You were still sleeping as he wrapped the blanket around you along with his arm pulling you a bit closer. 

"(Y/n).. I really like you.." He says as he kisses you lightly. He smiles and blushes as he closes his eyes and falls asleep next to you.


When you wake up it takes you a while to process where you were. You then realize you were snuggling with Moonbin, laying on his chest, and holding his hand. He was sleeping and was the one that held on tight to you. You blushed and smiled a bit as you looked at him.

"(Y/n)..." He said. You were bit confused cause he was asleep. He then kept hold of you as he turned a bit. Then he started mumbling stuff and smiling. You then put your free hand on his forehead. You smiled as you felt his fever had gone down a bit. You then yawned and slowly wiggled your way out of his grip. When you tried getting your hand free from his hand he had woken up.

"(Y/n).. Whats wrong?" He said tiredly. You smiled as you messed with his hair a little. He smiled tiredly as he closed his eyes still.

"I'm hungry.. I gave you guys all the food I made earlier." You said. He nodded and watched as you left. You went into the kitchen and see the guys in the living room. When they heard things move in the kitchen they stared straight at you. You glared at them and shake your head. They then frown and you look away not taking it. You then began cooking before you realize it you were making for not only you but Moonbin. When you were done you smiled as you carried a bit bowl to Moonbin's room. You sat down and he looked at you with a smile.

"Smells good." He said tiredly. You nod and smiled as you put it down and helped him sit up. He chuckled as he stretched and looked at the bowl. 

"Your eating all that by yourself?" He said as he chuckled. You blushed a little and shook your head. He smiled as he moved closer to you.

"Is some for me?" He said. You blush more and nodded slowly. He smiled brighter as he happily hummed a bit. You sat back and the two of you were close very close. You smiled as you held a spoon up to him. He smiled as he opened his mouth. You then began to feed each other happily and laughing a bit.

"Your such a weirdo." You say as he kept making faces while you feed him. He chuckled as he laughed with you. You then put the food down and checked his temperature.

"Wow.. That was fast.." You say. He smiles as he hugs you.

"Your food made me warm inside, the power of your motherly ways must've drove my sickness out." He said happily. You giggled as you ruffled his hair. He smiles and you smile at him softly. He got closer to you and you were a bit nervous but went with it. Until.

"Achoo.." Your small sneeze came out quick as your head immediately shot down into your hands. He looked at you a bit surprised and smiled as he chuckled.

"Looks like someones sick." He said as he ruffled your hair. You sniffed a bit and looked at him sheepishly. 

"You got me sick..." You say lightly. He then grabs your cheeks and kisses you with a smile. You smiled as you kissed back happily. He then pulled away and chuckled.

"Sick Couple." He says as he blushes a bit and looked at you. You blushed as you nodded and giggled. He then kissed you again and then tickled you as he pulled away. You two then played around with each other happily.

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