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[[I feel I've just let MJ in the back, like I am at social gatherings so here!! :')]]

You sat at a table at the Cafe. Your friend was supposed to see you that say. She never really said anything to you other than.

"Hey! Let's go to he cafe tomorrow! Be there alright! I gotta go bye!"

You took your hat off and put it down on the table as you laid your head down. You then heard the door open. You kinda closed your eyes already so you didnt care. But then you felt the table move.

"Excuse me.." A guys voice says. You jump a bit and then lift your head. You squint your eyes a bit looking at a guy who was hard to see because of the light. You then sat up and put your hand on your cheek as you looked at him then at the top windows.

"Why here..." You say as you put your hat back on and then look at the guy. You sigh as you closed your eyes.

"Okay.. You either got surgery turning you into a dude, or your just some guy who sits here." You say. He then looks at you blankly then laughs a bit. You then look out the window.

"Ani, uhm, Mi Nah said she was setting me on a date. And she showed me a picture of you and when I came here.. Here you are." He says. You then facepalm and slam your head in the table.

"Damn you..." You mumbled as you looked out the window he then smiled a bit as he sat there happily.

"So what do you do?" He says. You then pick your head up and think.

"Wait.. The bigger question is... What do you do? Guys are more of a threat than girls you know. I'm weak so you can't expect anything from me." You say as you shrugged. He then laughed lightly as he smiled at you.

"Astro!" He says happily. You stare at him blankly. He then looks at you with an excited look that sons fade after about 5 minutes.

"Astro?" You say. He then facepalms and then sighed a bit.

"Astro, kpop group? 6 guys? The famous 777 happy virus?!" He says. You then sighed a bit thinking.

"Okay... So listen... The one down side of being best friends with a kpop idol, is that.... She gives me way too many song recommendations which I obviously listen too.. I probably know who you guys are but I have too much already." You say. He then nods and then stands up as he gets in some sort of position. You then watch him.

"kkokkkok sumeora meorikarak boilla
nuguboda binnal neoraseo
eodideunji chajeul su isseo!" He sang as he danced. You watched him as did some other people you then thought long and hard. You haven't thought this long since your last math test and that was in college. Then it came to you.

"Aha! You guys are the Cutesy ones!" You yelled as you jumped up. He then thought about it then nodded as he smiled. You then sat back down and smiled a bit.

"No wonder she recommended you guys so much... She actually knew you guys.." You say. He then smiled and nodded.

"Well yeah, she's apart of Fantagio! Of course we know her." MJ says. You then nod in agreement. MJ and you got along after a bit and became friends.


"Well, I gotta go. I'll see you some other time." You say standing up. He stood up with you and smiled.

"I'll walk with you." He says not taking a no for an answer. You then nod and walk out with him, since you guys didnt order anything really no one cared about that stuff.


"You know for someone who was tricked to do a date. Its pretty cool making a new friend." You say. He then nods and smiled as he looked at you. He then looked down at your hand wanting to hold it. You noticed and smirked a bit.

"Here, hold this." You say as you went into your pocket and then put your hand into a fist as if you'd have something in side. He put his hand out and waited. You then put your hand on his and held it intertwining your fingers. He was still expecting something but smiled and blushed a bit holding your hand.

"Dont take it too seriously alright, your weird.." You say as you slightly push him lightly. He then pushes you back lightly and smiles.

"I have a question." You say. He then smiles and nods.

"After, you obviously saw my picture, and heard a lot about me, why did you agree for a date?" You say. Honestly you weren't confident in a lot of things so you were always curious on why people would choose you for specific things. He then smiles and stopped as he looked at you and then held both of your hands and then kissed you on your forehead making you jump a bit and go into self defense mood making him stare blankly at you.

"Woah.. Slow your roll, this isn't a movie now.." You say. He then stares for a bit as he starts laughing. He then wraps his arm around you pulling you closer to him as he continued walking.

"Aish, you really are something." He says. You then smile and walked with him. He then thinks as he looks at the sky.

"Well thats it.. A lot of things actually. All the stories that she had told me about you.. It got me interested, your really something different from other people.. So I wanted to be with you.." He says as he blushes and smiles. You then smile as you stop and then look at him holding his hands. He then expected a kiss as he smiles widely. You then stared at him blankly as you put your hand out and ruffle his hair making him a bit disappointed.

"Well, that's a nice thing to say. I like you too now that I've gotten to know you.. It was fun being with you." You say. He then expected a kiss after that but your turned looking straight with a smile as you held his hand.

"Well let's go." You say as you start walking. He then frowns a bit as he walked with you. You then smile as you sigh.

"A first kiss is very special, so I am saving myself for that special moment." You say. He then nodded slightly feeling the same way. Then there was a bike bell.

"EXCUSE ME! PLEAEE MOVE! MY BREAKS ARE BROKE!!" The person on yelled. MJ then saw that it was going towards you. He then smiled as he grabbed your waist and pulled your to him. You then smile as you kiss him and as the bike goes by you put your leg up making the bike stop and fall. You then pulled away and looked at the person on the ground then MJ.

"Now this is a perfect moment. And you! I will buy that pizza for 2x as much money if you give it to me now." You say seeing the pizza. The guy though about it and then sighed as he shrugged and nodded as he handed it to you and you paid him.

"Now come on, let's have a second perfect moment on the couch, binge watching some random shows." You say. He then laughs as he nods and then helped with the Pizza as you and him go to your house.


Honestly! I couldn't think if much!!

And since I haven't done an MJ one in a long time..

Why not!

So hope your like it, its very random so like..

If you find it makes sense, you have my type of mind..

If not, your just a regular human, have a good day.


Anyways! Baii!!

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