Astro☆July 29, 2017☆

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You were walking to the library. You smiled brightly as you closed your eyes looking up at the sky. You had felt good that day. You cleaned up nicely and everything's. You even found clothes that you never knew you had.

 You even found clothes that you never knew you had

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[Your outfit]

Out of n where you bumped into someone as you smile dropped along with you dropping to the ground.

"Aish.." You say as you suddenly snapped out of your good mood a bit knowing it was your fault for no pay attention.

"Sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!' You and the person you bumped in said in unison. You then looked at each other surprised and then start to laugh.

"Woah! So weird!" You say. He then nods and had a wide smile on his face. You put your hand out.

"(Y/n) nice to meet you!" You say. He then smiles and takes your hand. You then blush a bit feeling weird.

"I'm Myungjun! Just call me MJ!" He says. You then nod and then let go. He then offers to walk with you and you accept

"So where are you going?" He says. You look at him and then point to the library which isn't really in sight but the top of it was.

"To the library." You say. He then nods and smiles. The walk was full of a bunch of random but funny things. But it all ended when he got a call.

"Neh... Okay! I'll be there soon!" He says. You then look at him raising an eyebrow. He then hangs up and then looks at you.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go! I'll see you some other time!" He says as he grabbed a piece of paper and then went next to one of the mailboxes and wrote his number down. Then gave it to you before waving and running off. You waved as you watched him leave. You then smile as you put it in your pocket and continue. As your walking a car drives by you really fast making you jump and your hat flew away a bit.

"Ani!!" You say as you went after it. You then ran into someone who had caught your hat as if he were waiting there just to catch it. He then turned around and then looked down at you. You felt really small at that point.

"Is this yours?" He says. You then nod and then he smiles placing it on your head so I that its around your head just right to stay on.

"Thanks." You say. He then nods and smiled.

"I'm Sanha, nice meeting you." He says. You then nod and smiled as you looked up at him while he looked down at you like you were a tiny child.

'Why am I so nervous... He's so big..'

You thought. You then shook your thoughts away and breathed out.

"I'm (Y/n)!" You say. He then chuckles lightly like a little kid making you feel a bit surprised but better.

"Well, that took a while, I was starting to think you fully went into space." He says. You then sheepishly smile and giggle a bit.

"Anyways, where are you headed?" He asked as he did a small cute small. You blushed a bit and then pointed to the library way, but to your loss, you didnt go the right way when you were running.

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