1# Your what?!

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Ash's POV:
I take a step back and try to stop myself from fainting. I must be hearing things, she can't be. She looks at me with tears falling heavily down her face. She looks so vulnerable right now, it breaks my heart.

"Your what?!" I say still trying to take it in.

"I'm pregnant." she says fiddling with her fingers.

"Are you serious?" I ask pushing a hand through my hair.

"I found out the third week back and I had an appointment yesterday and they said that I was 3 weeks pregnant." she says still avoiding my eyes.

I am still trying to come to terms with this. Serena is... pregnant... with my baby.

"Get an abortion." I say calmly. She is not ready for this... even more... I am not ready for this. It is the best solution.

She walks up to me and slaps my face. My hand flies to my cheek and when I see her eyes, I feel like I'm frozen. The anger and disgust in her eyes is very clear, I just made a huge mistake.


"I thought you wouldn't say that. Maybe you would stay with me like Cilan did with Iris. But your not. You told me to get rid of family, of a innocent baby. You know what Ash..." she takes a step back, "I HATE YOU!

With that she turns on her heel and runs towards the car. I guess she had the extra key, because she just drives off. I am stood here starstruck and wondering exactly what I should do after I messed up like that. Why would I say that? I'm so stupid.

I am angry at her, but I am mostly angry at myself. I made her hate me. She was already broken and I just made it worse. I feel the need to hit something.

I hit the wall until my knuckles bleed and I don't feel a thing. All I can feel is the pain in my heart, I hate you, I'm pregnant, my baby. All these words are swirling around in my head as I walk back into the hospital.

Everyone gives me weird looks when I walk in, but I don't care. I need to find Serena and talk to her about it, I'm so stupid. I need to find her. I walk into Iris's room and see that Iris is glaring at me, just like Serena did.

"What is wrong with you?" she says trying to stay calm.

"What do you mean?" I say trying to act innocent. I scratch the back of my head and look at the ground and try to avoid her hard glare.

"If you don't understand let me explain it to you. Serena ran in here in tears. She just told you that she was pregnant with your baby and you said that she should get an abortion. ARE YOU ACTUALLY SERIOUS?" she says fuming.

"I just blurted it out. I felt under pressure, I didn't actually mean it." I said still avoiding her glare.

"Ash, let me tell you something. You know you said the exact same thing Cilan said when he found out that I was pregnant. But he came around because he loved me and knew that I wasn't gonna give up the baby, so it was with or without him. Look at how it turned out." she took a breath before she continued, "Serena has given you a choice now it's your turn to choose the right one. The one that will benefit both you and her. Go and find her and tell her you decision. It's all up to you."

"Thank you, Iris." I said with a smile.

"Your welcome, but before you leave, you need to get your knuckles checked."

"Oh yeah. I'll do that. I know what do now." I said walking out of her room. I have made my decision, I just hope it's the right one.

I am outside Serena's room and just getting ready to talk to her. When I say I am terrified, I mean terrified. I just hope that Serena will forgive me for what I said earlier. My hands are bandaged and I just realised how much it hurts.

I knock on the door, wincing as my fingers make contact with the door. How did I not feel this pain before? I hear her crying inside her room and it just hurts that I just added to the pain that she is already feeling.

The door opens a little and walk in to see Serena sitting quietly on her bed crying. The tears shine as they slide down her face and a filled with sadness and anger.

"What do you want?" she says as I take a seat beside her. I try to move closer, but she just flinches and moves away, "Have you not already cause me enough pain today?" she says coldly.

"Serena, before you chew my head off, can you just hear me out?" I say exasperated.

"Fine. You have 5 minutes." she says still avoiding eye contact with me and wiping her tears. I have 5 minutes to get her back and I have to make evey second count, or I may lose her forever.

"I was being really stupid earlier and I am so sorry. If I could take it back, I really would." I say genuinely.

"Are you serious?" she says turning around with a glint of hope in her eyes.

"I am."

"So, are you still gonna leave me?" she asks turning away again.

I move closer and take hold of her hand. This time she doesn't move away, she turns round to look at me, "I would never leave you. I don't care what happens I will always care about you. I love you and I am will help you through this. I promise."

She starts crying again and pull her in close for a hug, "I am so scared! I don't know what to do! If you left me I don't know what I would have done! Please don't do that again." she says crying into my t-shirt.

"I won't." I say and I mean it.

We stay in this position for about 5 minutes and Serena falls asleep. I lay her down carefully on the bed, give her a kiss on her forehead and begin to walk our when I feel a slight tug on my arm. I turn round and see Serena smiling at me, "Stay please."

"Ok." I say getting in beside her. I wrap my arms around her waist and just think what a packed day this has been. I know that our future is packed with a lot of dangers, but I feel like me and Serena will stay together.

Welcome to part 2 and I hoped you liked the first chapter.

Do you think Ash and Serena will stay together or will they split?

We will see what happens as we go along...

Thanks for reading! ;)

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