17# Little chat with Ash

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Serena's POV:
It's been about a week and Ash has been acting differently every since Mr Shaw said those things about him, he's closed up and barely goes to school anymore. He finds some excuse to skip school or just sleeps in. I've tried teling him to go school, but he only goes once a week. So I have devised a plan.

"Iris!" I shout as I see her in the cafeteria.

She smiles and walks over to me. People turn to look at me and stick my tounge out at them. Brock and Misty just shake there head and continue texting each other, although their right beside each other. Iris sits beside me smiling, "What?"

"I need you to help me and by help me, I mean thing of an idea that will make Ash come back to school." I say taking a bite of my sandwich.

"How would I know, I am his girlfriend?" she says staring at me like I need help, "If you had an idea, I would have helped you set it up, but I don't know what he likes."

I sit and make a pouty face, but she shrugs her shoulders and starts talking to Misty and Brock, who have started communicating properly.

An idea pops into my head and tap Iris continuously, even after she's turns to look at me, "I have an idea."

"She's even more annoying when she's pregnant." mutters Brock.

"And I can also give you more slaps and you can't retaliate." I smile at him but, it's more of a devilish smile.

I turn back to Iris, "You know how Ash has this big obsession with food?" she nods her head, "How about if I serve him different foods from different countries?"

"You got that from The Next Step didn't you?" she asks.

I wave the question away, "So what if I did? Is it a good idea or not?"

"It's a good idea, but who's going to make the food and decorate the living room?"

"I was hoping you could help me decorate and I could cook the food, but I want everything to be ready by tonight." I say finishing of my sandwich.

"Tonight?! What am I?The Flash? Bare in mind, I've got twins to look after."

"Don't complain, Cilan can look after them for a few more hours and you'll have time to go home before you come to mine, and stop using tv show references."

"But I want to see my babies and why can't you ask Brock or Misty to do it?" she says annoyed.

They both look up from their phones, they slowly turn to look at each other and then they turn back to me. They giggle nervously, "We've..." says Misty.


"Got a..."

"What's it called again?"

"A... ummm... a...."

"Date!" says Misty a bit to enthusiastically.

"Yep, that's what it is. We won't be able to come sorry." says Brock not even looking the least bit sorry about making up sum stupid excuse not to help.

Misty turns to Brock and jerks her head in the direction of the door, "We have to take out leave now, let's go." says Brock and they both run out of the cafeteria.

Brock comes back for the food and then leaves, "What just happened?" I ask.

"They have always been a weird couple, but back to the situation at hand. I have thought of something that works for both of us." I nod my head eager to hear her idea, "Seeing as we finish early today-"

Kalos High: Secrets Of The Past (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now