20# She's awake!

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Double update, as promised😊

Ash's POV:
2 days have passed and Serena still hasn't woken up. I've gone to see her everyday and it's the same thing, "She's alive and very healthy, but she hasn't yet woken up yet." Why? What happened to her?

I also go to see Aurianna, because I haven't taken her home yet. I still think Ashella was a nice name, but you know, I gave in to Serena, as usual.

I'm scared to Aurianna home because I don't know how I'm going to take care of her without Serena. If Iris and Calem where there, then I would have help because they're experienced at looking after kids. A doctor called me and said that I have to take Aurianna home today, so I'm going to go to my dad's house.

We're on rocky terms at the moment. At the dinner, I said I loved him, because, he's my father, I want to hate him, but I just can't, even though he killed my sister. Well, life is crazy, so you never know, my sister could have been fake for all I know.

I'm at school right now, waiting for it to be over, it's not the same without Serena. She's always there making comments about my so-called stupidity. It's lunch and I'm just roaming around school like some lonely boy, "Ash, what are you doing with your life?" says a voice behind me.

"I'm flying to the land of potatoes, what do you think I'm doing?" I say flatly. I find out it's Brock and he falls into step beside me.

"Then can I come too?"

"Go away."

"Is Ash feeling a little lonely?"

"Well, my girlfriend is in hospital for like the fifth time, laying unconscious if I may add and I have to take my baby out of the hospital without Serena being there, so how do you think I'm feeling." I walk into the library, hoping to find something to revise to get my mind off Serena.

"So you're doing alright? Great."

We walk over to the far end of the library and I go to the bookcase that is against the wall and search for a book, "Can I help you?" I say turning to Brock who is just standing there rocking on his feet.

"Well, I would like some food seeing as you asked."

"Can't you go talk to Misty?"

"She said she doesn't want to talk to me anymore." he suddenly goes quiet.

"And what's that?"

He pulls a book off the shelf, "Have you read this book before? It seems quite intresting." he says. He flicks through it and then puts it back on the shelf, "That book was great."

"You're acting like you read it."

He ignores me like an idea just popped into his head, "Maybe there's a book in here that you pull and it triggers something. Like a trapdoor or the bookcase will spin around or a secret passageway."

"You do realise we live on Earth right?"

"After everything that's happened, are you really going to not try?" he raises his eyebrows.

"Okay, okay. Let's try, I have nothing better to do." I sigh and start pulling at books on the suitcase. We probably look like absolute idiots right now, I would blame someone for thinking we're crazy, or the librarians kicking us out of the library.

I give up after a few tries, "Satisfied? It didn't work, complete waste of my time." I say.

He pulls another book and the bookcase spilts in half and I see a black space, "Oh, it's just the wall painted black." says Brock. I roll my eyes and put my hand on the black space, or should I say through.

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