13# Stressed out

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Serena's POV:
"Can I tell you guys a joke?" says Andrew sitting down at our lunch table. Oh no. I have a feeling that this joke is going to be terrible. Actually, let me rephrase that, I know this joke will be terrible.

"Sure." says Ash, trying to take a chip off my plate. I glares at him and his hand retreats and falls nicely onto his lap, "Good boy." I say ruffling his hair.

"It takes me hours to make my hair this perfect and you just love to mess it up." he says patting his hair down.

I wink at him and he rolls his eyes, "Stop talking and listen to my joke." says Andrew.

I nod my head, "What happens when Po doesn't wash his hair?" he says with a grin.

"I don't know." says Misty taking a sip of her water.

"He gets po-lice." says Andrew. Him, Misty and Ash start laughing hysterically, like the joke is the funniest thing on earth.

Like I said, that joke was terrible. Me, Iris, Brock and Amy, just give them staright faces. What was so funny about that joke? I'll tell you what... nothing! Absolutely nothing!

"You know like Po from kung fu panda and lice as in those bad things you get in your hair, when you don't wash it." says Misty. She wipes away her tears. It wasn't even funny, why is she crying?!

When they stop laughing, I finally speak, "That was the worst joke, in the history of jokes." I say.

Andrew frowns, "You're the worst joke in the history of jokes." he mutters. He probably thought that I couldn't hear him.

I heard that, I say throwing a fry at him. He catches it in his mouth and walks off back to his table. I take Iris's spoon and throw it at the back of his head.

"OWW!" he says loudly. Everyone turns to stare at him, "HAVE YOU NEVER SEEN SOMEONE IN PAIN BECAUSE OF A SPOON COLLIDING WITH THEIR HEAD? YOU CAN GO BACK TO WHAT YOU WERE DOING NOW!" he shouts as his sits down. Everyone instantly goes back to what they are doing.

He glares at me and mouths 'It's not over' before turning back to his friends. Andrew and Brittany are already pretty popular, and they just started yesterday.

"Ash, I swear if you take one more chip from my plate, you won't live to see tomorrow." I say threateningly.

"Okay. I just wanted some chips. I'm hungry." he says pouting.

"You had two plates of chips and you still want mine. I don't know how to help you anymore." I say eating another chip.

"You don't need to help me, just give me food." he says putting his hand out for more chips.

I slap his hand away,"You ain't getting nothing! These are mine and I'm not sharing!" I say.

He groans and steals some from Iris instead, which earns him another slap on the head. Yes, I know, we are very violent.

"What are you guys trying to do to my head?" he says annoyed.

"We are trying to slap some knowledge into you, but I guess it's not working." says Iris smiling at him.

"Then why don't you stop?"

"Because we have hope it will work one day." I say.

He raises an eyebrow, "Just joking. I just find it fun." I say smirking at him.

He is about to reply when he receives a call from an unknown number. I look at his face and his jaw clenches, seems like he knows the number. He gets up and walks out to go and talk to the person.

Kalos High: Secrets Of The Past (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now