5# Unexpected visit...

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Serena's POV:
I wake up on the couch. I seems like I wasn't bothered to go to my room. I stretch and swing my legs off the couch. I look at the time and it is... 2:00pm. Have I really been sleeping for that long?

"You're finally awake." said Brittany walking in.

"Seems that I am."

She sat beside me and took hold of my hands, "Is it true? Are you actually pregnant?"

I sigh and nod my head. She just hugs me. When I pull away, she smiles at me. Her smile vanishes and it seems like she is looking right through me.

"I swear, when I see that guy I will kill him." she says squeezing my hand. I feel my hands going numb.

"My hands are going numb." I say closing my eyes in pain.

She moves her hand away, "Sorry."

"Don't worry."

"I hate him so much. After making you pregnant he hurt you. I will actually destroy him for doing this to you." she says shaking with anger.

I am about to reply when Andrew walks in fuming, "I will help as well." he says cracking his knuckles.

"Guys, calm down. You won't see him. At least I hope you won't." I say trying to reassure them.

The bell rings and go and check who is there. Mum said that Kieran and Diamond will coming to take me out today, so mabye it's them.

I open the door and see the last person I want to see right now... Ash. He has a black eye, his lips are busted and he has a bloody scratch on the side of his face. He doesn't even look like he feels the pain at all. He stares at me and then drops to the floor.

"MUM!!" I scream. I go down to his level and slap his face.

Mum comes and when she sees Ash on the porch, she almost screams. Andrew comes as well. When he sees Ash, his face hardens.

"Is this you messed up ex?" he asks trying to keep his cool. He may only be 15 but he acts like he's 17 and he is way taller than all of us.

"Yes. But don't hurt him. He is in a very bad state right now." I say. Ash and I may be broken up, but I still care about him.

"Alright. Only because you said so." he says relaxing a little.

"Can you carry him to the basement?" says Mum sighing, "We may all dislike him, but we have to help him."

Andrew looks at Mum like she's crazy, "You want me to carry this idiot into our house?!"

"Unless you want to be sleeping outside for a month, I suggest you do it." she says giving him a 'disobey me and see want happens look'.

Andrew quickly picks up Ash and carries him to the basement. I follow him and Brittany comes to see what is going on.

When we get the basement I flick on the light switch and see that this place has been refurbished. I looks like upstairs, or even better. I keep looking around, how long have I been gone?

I feel a someone tap sharply on my shoulder, "Serena, stop dreaming and go get Mum." says Andrew.

"Ok." I say going upstairs to get Mum.

When I get to kitchen, I see Mum getting some ice from the fridge and putting it inside a bag.

"Serena, are you ok?" asks Mum.

"Yeah. He may be the worst, but I still care for him." I admit.

"Just like I care for your father." she says sadly, "Anyway, let's go and tend to Ash."

Kalos High: Secrets Of The Past (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now