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Serena's POV:
"Serena. I'm bored." Andrew huffs and stirs his coffee, which he hasn't touched since we got here. Right now, we are hiding out in a motel, waiting from a call from Iris.

"I don't care. Find something to do." I give him a thumbs up and take Aurianna out of her buggy, holding her in my arms. I smile at her and then I hear Andrew's voice. Ugh, him again.

"But I can't. My phone died and I'm bored." I give him a flat look and he pouts, then an idea pops into my head. I grab the cup of water on the table beside the bed and offer it to him, "Here, drink this."

He stares at me and I give him a cold look, then he sighs and reaches to take it. I move it back a little, so he can't reach it and then dump it on his head, "Now, you've found something to do. You can clean yourself up now. Go." I smile at him and he glares at me.

"You know I hate you right." He gets up off the floor and goes to the bathroom, "Now look at my hair." He says as he gets there. I laugh and Aurianna just stares at me. She'll understand my humour when she's older. I'm hilarious.

My phone rings and Iris's name pops up in the screen. I lay Aurianna down on the bed and pick up the phone, "Hello?"

"Hi. Serena. I found the only solution, but I don't think you'll like it."

"If it's too keep Aurianna safe, then I don't care." I say.

"You have to move..." I wait in anticipation for what she will say next, "To Verity."

"You're joking right? Where the Queen and Kaden are? We should move over there? You've well and truly lost it. How is that keeping Aurianna safe when we are plummeting ourself into danger?" Fear builds up inside me because I am even considering of doing something so dangerous. There is nowhere else in this world we can go, because they always find us.

"Listen to me. That is the place they will least suspect, they search everywhere, thinking we live here. However, if we move out of this world, then it takes longer for them to find us." What she says makes sense somehow, but it's scary. Moving right where the danger is.

There has been one question on my mind from a long time ago, "How do they know where we've been?"

She lowers her voice to a whisper, "I think one of us has been telling them where we are. I don't know who it is, but who else would it be apart from our group of friends who visit you and are with you most of the time."

Again, what she's saying makes sense. But who would it be? Then again, someone could be spying on us, "Let's not be so quick to pass accusations. It might be someone else, not necessarily one of us."

"Maybe... I don't know how long you can stay there, but I suggest you make your decision fast before they find you guys again. Call me later, cus' I gotta go. Bye."

"Bye." I say quietly and she ends the call. I sigh and stare at the wall, hoping a better answer will come out of it, but obviously that's impossible. To be honest, Iris makes a good point. They probably would find us, but it would take much longer and maybe by then we have found a way out of this situation or found somewhere to run to.

A sudden rustling sound drags me out of my thought. I look towards where the sound is coming from and spot a yellowish, orange-ish animal. Well... I wouldn't really call it an animal. It has yellowish, orange-ish fur, a darker shade of orange coming out of it's ears and it's tail is the same colour. The bottom half of it's face is white, it has fire coloured eyes and a small black nose. It really cute.

I get up, walk over to the window and place a hand on the window. It smiles at me and scampers off. I shake my head and a name pops into my head. Fennekin. I have no idea where that name came from, but I strangely sure that it's the name of that... Pokemon I just saw. Don't know where that came from.

Kalos High: Secrets Of The Past (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now