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Serena's POV:
Upon entering the castle, I notice that many white ornaments line the hallway. It is very beautifully decorated with it's diamond chandeliers hanging above us. I think white is the most favoured colour in this castle, judging by the colour of the decorations and walls.

We continue walking until I come across a very familiar picture of a woman with a rayquaza behind her. Entranced by the picture, I stop in front of it and suddenly feel a sharp pain in my head, I wince and I begin to see a vision of some sort. I can't seem to make sense of it, but it shows many different scenes at once happening in same place.

The scenes all take place in Verity, right outside the walls of this castle. I see various types of Pokémon; some are alone, however, they're eyes are red and they are in vicious battles with the other wild Pokémon and some Pokémon with trainers. The Dreties are also there, surprisingly a majority of them are fighting on the side of the side of Southern Visionaries, however the ones on the side of what seems to be the Northern Visionaries, also have red eyes. They all seem to be under the control of someone. There are also 2 big battles, between Ash and Kieran and my mother and the queen of the northern side. I scream as I hear a thud beside me and the whole scene goes black. I look beside me and see a body covered in white cloth. I begin taking it off, when I am pulled out of the vision.

I open my eyes and look around. I am in a very elegantly decorated room, like those castle rooms in the movies. I am lying in a very comfortable bed, with white covers and white pillows all rimmed with a golden material. I sit up slightly, groaning and wincing in pain. I turn and see Ash staring down at me, with worry evident in his eyes, "You've been knocked out for an hour or so. You were screaming and shaking compulsively."

"I pulled you out." says a voice that sounds familiar. I turn to the direction of the voice and I come face to face with my mother. She smiles at me, however it doesn't reach her eyes. The worried emotion I see in her eyes, completely contrasts the happy expression she is trying desperately hard to keep on her face.

"Why?" I prompt, pushing her to answer my question. She glances at Ash, who's attention is wholly focused me on me. As Ash is Ash, he fails to notice the change in tension in the room.

She turns back to me, keeping the same fake smile plastered on her face, "I was worried about you." She says through gritted teeth. I am very confused as to why she is acting like this. Did she see what I saw? Did she stop me at that exact time I was going to unveil the face because she didn't want me to look any further?

"Are you though?" I ask, pushing her to give me an answer. Surely, anything she is going to say to me, she can say in front of Ash as well. Her eyes narrow at me, and I hold her glare by returning an inquisitive look.

Ash looks back and forth between my mum and me, "Ok... So I'm gonna go." He is about to kiss my forehead, when my mum clears her throat and directs her glare to him. He quickly stands upright, and mouths "I'll talk to you later." Before leaving the room.

"What did you see?" Is the first thing she says as soon as Ash has left the room. I raise my eyebrows at her sudden interest in what I saw in my vision.

However, for some strange reason, I feel as though she knows exactly what I saw, so I don't answer and change the subject, "Don't you like Ash?" She rolls her eyes at my question. That action gives it away, "Why don't you like him?" I ask.

"He was a spy from the north side sent to kill you, just so my sister could get to me. On top of all that, he got you pregnant. Now, you and your child have a target on your back because you are the mother of the first northern and southern baby. Are you really going to ask whether I like him or not?" The way she puts it, it seems reasonable. I'm about to say that Ash isn't a bad person at all, but she speaks again, "I don't want to talk about Ash. What did you see?" She asks firmly.

Kalos High: Secrets Of The Past (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now