18# Andrew's Problems and Promise Rings

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Sorry for skipping so much, this will probably be the last time skip😅.

Serena's POV:
"Ash, wakey, wakey." I shake him slightly trying to get him to wake up. So ever since that chat we had in January, he's been himself again. He's been spending more and more time with me since it coming so close to the baby's due date, but he's been studying like mad.

Since we missed the exams for the beginning of the term, we get a re-test, well he does. They postoned mine until after I have the baby, because my water could break at anytime now.

"Ash, wake up, we need to go to school. Today's the day." I say.

"I know, the day for me to sleep." he mumbles. He pulls a pillow over his head.

"Wake up." I say a little louder this time.

I hear snoring coming from him and then I cross my arms. I grab a pillow from the bed and whack him with it, "WAKE UP!" I shout.

He falls of the bed and groans, "Was that really necessary?"

"Yes, you wouldn't get up, I had to wake you up somehow."

"You could have given me a kiss."

I cringe, "Morning breath and I are not friends."

He gets up and pushes a hand through his hair, "Why would anyone want to be friends with air anyway?"

I shake my finger at him, "Morning breath is contaminated, air is not that contaminated there's a huge difference."

"I think global warming says other wise." he yawned, loudly if I might add and goes to the bathroom.

"Hurry up, I'll be downstairs." I say and I walk out the door.

"Where exactly do you think you're going?"

"Er... downstairs. I think I did just say that."

"Wait a minute!"

I sit back down on the bed and wait for Ash to come out. He comes out and after 30 minutes, puts on a white top and blue jeans along with his white air forces and then he glares at me.

"You are not allowed to go downstairs without me."


"Because you could fall down the stairs and seriously hurt yourself and the baby. I have seen it happen in movies and I have read it happen so I'm not taking any chances." he holds out his hand for me to take and I take it.

It's cute that he cares for me but, seriously? I know that there is a chance that what he said my happen, especially since I'm very clumsy, but he already makes me feel useless. He does everything for me, from cooking to cleaning to putting on my shoes to even doing my homework from time to time. I'm getting a little fed up, I'm pregnant, not two.

When we get downstairs I see that my three sibling have not left the house yet. Instead they are all on their phones, "Why are you guys still in the house?"

"Because we are playing a flappy bird competition and also, it's only 7:30." says Sophia not looking up from her phone.

Ash glares at me and chuckle nervously, "Oops?"

"You woke me up at 7:00 and the only thing you can say is 'oops'?" he says angrily.

Andrew puts his phone down, "What do you want her to say, 'whoopsie daisy'? Listen, you get what you get and you don't get uspet? Yes! I finally used that line, I've been waiting to use it for so long."

"For how long exactly?" asks Brittany placing her phone on the table.

"About 3 minutes ago. It felt like hours." he sighs dramatically and I roll my eyes.

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