16# I'm not good enough, that's all I've ever known...

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Serena's POV:
It's been about 3 weeks since the dinner with Ash's family and life couldn't be better. Ash has been taking daily trips to see his parents and Dylan comes over every now and then. Dawn and I have become friends.

I also found out on my birthday that Ash and I are going to be having a girl so, I've been dragging Ash to baby clothes everyday. He now despises the colour pink and he wants to name the baby, Ashella. I said if he wants to name the baby something after himself, Ashley would be nicer, but he says that Ashella is unique.

"NOOOOOO!!" shouts a voice from the living room.

I walk in and see Andrew glaring at a piece of paper on the table, "You know it's not normal to be glaring at a piece of paper." I say shaking my head at him.

"It's perfectly normal for me. I hate that piece of paper with a passion."

I pick it up and read it through. I laugh and he looks at me like I'm mad, "It's just uniform and you start wearing it in April, which is so far away." I say.

"You're just talking like that because you don't have to wear it. You lucky sixth formers." he says glaring intently at the paper.

He snatches it out of my hands and rips it into a million pieces, before sprinkling it all over the table, "I HATE PAPER!" he shouts.

"You know what, I think I'm gonna go." I say walking out of living room. I don't know why I was burdened with the weirdest brother on earth. I go to the kitchen to find something to eat and I see Brittany texting furiously on her phone.

I silently walk up to her and snatch the phone out of her hand, "Serena!" she says trying to get her phone back.

"Who's Leon?" I say giving her phone back to her.

"None of your business." she says stuffing her phone in her back pocket.

"You sure?" I ask. She nods, "ANDREW!" I shout.

Andrew walks in still mumbling something about how much he hates paper, "Who's Leon?" I ask him.

His eyes light up as he smirks at Brittany. She shakes her head furiously, but Andrew just turns to me with a mischevious smirk on his face, "That's one of my track buddies in Brittany's year."


"That's also Brittany's boyfriend." he says teasingly. He sticks his tounge out at her and she glares at him.

"I'm gonna kill you!" she shouts. Andrew runs out and she chases after him.

"Make sure you come back so we can discuss your boyfriend after you kill him." I shout after her.

Andrew comes and stands in front of me with a disappointed look on his face, "Really? You want me to die?" he says and runs away before I can say anything and I see Brittany running after saying how he will never see the light of day again.

This is what they call normal in our house. Brittany is always chasing after Andrew in the mornings because of something and I bet you that Sophia is going to come her in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

"Why's there so much noise downstairs?" says Sophia rubbing her eyes as she comes into the kitchen, "Brittany's chasing Andrew isn't she?"

I nod and she shakes her head, "You know what, I'm going back to bed. I still have about an hour till school starts."

"Nope. Go get ready, you're leaving in thirty minutes." I say and she trudges back upstairs.

I have to act like the mother in this house or no-one else will. It's funny how I'm acting like a mother, but I'll be one soon. Although taking care of everyone is a struggle, I wouldn't exchange this for anything.

Kalos High: Secrets Of The Past (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now