8# Secrets have been revealed...

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Ash's POV:
One second I am watching Serena go into the portal, the next I am tied up watching someone, who looks excatly like me, smile evilly at Serena.

After the portal closes, my doppleganger turns to me, "Who are you?" I ask struggling to get untied.

The person bangs their chest and turns into that guy that I saw on the plane to New York. Serena's childhood friend. What's his name, again?

"Remember me?" he asks smiling.

"What's your name, again?" I ask relaxing. I know how to get out of this.

"Kieran. Serena's ex-boyfriend and now one of her best friends." he says.

My mouth drops. I didn't know that he was Serena's ex. She never talks about past boyfriends. We need to have a serious talk when she comes back.

"What exactly do you want from me?" I ask. I will get myself out of this after I have a little chat with him.

His eyes turn cold, "You were sent on a mission to capture her and take her to our Queen."

"Yeah and I didn't. So what?"

"But instead, you fall for her and get her pregnant." he growls.

"What has this got to do with you?" I say confused.

He punches me, "I was supposed to be with her. You took my place and I hate you for it."

My lips starts bleeding. Why did he punch me for? I try to use my powers to gt myself out but it doesn't work.

"Don't try to get out. Did you really think I'm stupid enough to come here without ropes designed to hold a visionary?"

"Uh... yes." I say like it's obvious.

He glares at me, "I'm not stupid. Anyway, seems like you're not the only one with secrets in that relationship." he says smirking.

"What do you mean by that?" I say intrigued.

"Serena didn't tell you about me? Well, seems like you have a lot to hear."

Serena was angry at me for keeping secrets, yet she was keeping secrets. We are definetely having a serious conversation when she comes back.

"Serena used to be with me before she went to Kalos High. She loved me and I loved her. She was the first girl I ever loved and you took her away from me." he says glaring at me.

"Sorry about that. Is that all? I kind of wanna get out of here." I say.

He ignored my comments, "I was her first time and I got her pregnant." he says. My heart drops. Serena has gotten pregnant before and she didn't even tell me.

He sees my expression of hurt and pain and he smirks, "But she didn't tell anyone. She ran away with me. When it was time for her to go to her first doctors appointment, we took the car to the hospital." his expression became sad, "There was a car crash and Serena lost the baby. I have never forgiven myself for that day. It took her a long time, but she finally forgave me. Then 1 month later, she left for Kalos High. This all happened between happened last year."

A tear falls from his eye and then he quuckly wipes it away. Then he turns to glare at me, "Then she comes back, pregnant with your baby. Do you know how much that hurts?"

"No." I say quietly, "You and Serena have been through a lot but hurting me isn't going to change what happened."

"I know that. I'm here to take you to the queen. Seems like the queen and Serena are connected in some way and also, tbe queen told me to kill these babies." he says smiling at me.

My blood boils. Is he really going to hurt innocent little children? I get a surge of power out of nowhere and I break myself free.

"H-How did you-" I cut Kieran off by punching him in jaw. He falls from the impact.

"How can you talk about losing a child, when you want to hurt two children?! You're heartless!!" I say as I throw more punches at him.

I stop and I am breathing heavily. I see that Kieran now has a black eye forming. He seems like I've knocked him out.

I get up and walk over to the babies who are smiling happily and holding each other's hands. I wonder how exactly are they smiling when we are in such a crisis.

I need to take them to Cilan's house, they will be safer there. I dial Cilan's number on my phone.

"Hey Ash." says Cilan.

"I need to take the babies to your house." I say.

"But my parents don't want the babies in the house or they will kick me out."

"Your babies are in danger."


"They are in danger. You need to take them to safety."

The line cuts off and I hear a knock on the door. I open it and see Cilan, "Where are they?!" he says wide eyes.

We walk into the living room and he rushes over to the kids. He breaths a sigh of relief, "Who's that?" he asks pointing to Kieran who is knocked out cold on the floor.

"That is Serena's ex-boyfriend that I never knew about." I say angrily. I can't believe she didn't tell me.

"Wow. Why did you knock him out?"

"He wanted to take me to the queen and kill your babies." I say glaring at Kieran.

Cilan stops smiling, "You're not serious, are you?"

"I am."

"I so wish that I was here when he said that. I would have killed him, if he laid a finger on my kids." he says angrily.

"Well, I took care of him."

I filled him in on everything that Kieran told me. Just retelling what he told me, makes my blood boil.

"So she never told you anything?"

"No and I'd love to know why."

"Let me take these kids to my house. I bought a flat closer to Iris, so I can stay there." he says getting up.

"Be safe and be on guard." I say doing our special handshake. It consists of 6 parts, but it's too long to explain.

I leave along with him. Well, I don't blame Serena for not telling me, but I thought she trusted me. But, I would just be being a hypoctite, because I have a secret of my own.

My secret isn't as serious as Serena's but if she knew, she would freak out. I have been camping out in my car. I have basically gone broke because my dad took all my money away from me.

Now I have to get a job and be working 24/7 to be able to save up to get a flat. If I told Serena, she would want to give me some money and tell me to stay at hers.

I am supposed to be the man in this relationship, yet I can't even afford a flat. I feel worthless. I never worked for anything in my life, now I have to. I have to, I have no idea what I'm going to do.

Seems like Serena had her own secrets as well.

What type of job is Ash going to get?

How are Serena and Iris in Veritry?

Everyone talks about the queen, but no body has ever seen her. The queen seems famous but who is she? And what connection does she have with Serena?

Thx for reading!😄

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