9# Meeting the queen

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Serena's POV:
I drop suddenly and I get a face full of leaves. That portal made me feel really, really sick. I don't want to do that again, but that seems unlikely, seeing as that is the only way that I can get back to earth.

I get up and dust myself off. Iris is beside me, thankfully, "Where are we?" I ask looking around.

"We are in the northern forest." she says sighing, "This is bad."


"This forest is patrolled by northern soliders. They are not normal visionaries, they have enhanced powers. Any southern visionary that is found in this forest, have a 0.5% chance of making it out alive. I should have known this would happen." she says.

Now I am officially scared out of my mind. One day I'm a normal girl, the next I am living in a world full of scary people with powers.

"If they find you here, you would be in real danger, seeing as you are the next heir to the southern crown, so we have to get out of here if we value our lives." says Iris.

Did I mention people are trying to kill me?

"Where do we go?" I ask.

"I have no idea."

I hear a twig snap. This is just like the time, I got kidnapped by Amy. At least this time I have powers, that I have no idea how to use.

"Stay quiet." whispers Iris.

These are the times, when I wish I was invisible, "Can we turn invisible?" I whisper.

Iris nods, "Visionaries do things with their minds. Our minds control everything. Unlike Dreties. If you think about turn invisible, you will become invisible."

"What are Dreties?"

"I can feel them getting closer. Make us invisible, then I'll tell you." she says quickly.

I think about turning invisble, then I feel a pulse of power and... I have no idea if it has worked.

"Did it work?" I ask Iris.

"Yes. Now lets move away from these people." she says.

I have just realised there are people in red surrounding us. They look pretty intimidating. Iris and I tip toe past them. Just as we are nearly past them, I feel someone grab my arm.

"Found you." says the soilder.

I tug my arm away and run as fast as I can. Iris is right in front of me. I am curious abot what Dreties are, but mabye this isn't the right time to ask.

Suddenly I feel dizzy. This is not the time. This is what I don't like about pregnancy, why do I have to faint or throw up. It gets annoying, especially in this situation when I am basically running for two lives.

"Iris!" I shout. She stops and turns round. Her eyes widen as I slump against a tree. Why now?

"Serena, Serena, Serena..." I hear Iris say. Then I black out...

I wake up in a... dungeon? I guess I was captured. I look around and this place looks cleaner than the cell I was in the last time I was kidnapped.

I have handcuffs on and... Iris isn't here. I go to the barred door, "IRIS! IRIS!" I shout.

Someone appears out of nowhere, "Be quiet." says the person in front of me.

Amy? I thought she was dead, "What are you doing here?" I ask.

She smiles at me, "I never knew, you would be who we were looking for. I am the queen's daughter."

Kalos High: Secrets Of The Past (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now